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at risk youth

Commission Issues Request for Proposals to make system improvements to benefit at-risk youth.

Click HERE to read the Request for Proposals for further details.

Welcome to the Indiana Commission on Court Appointed Attorneys Website!

Since 1989, the Indiana Commission on Court Appointed Attorneys (CCAA) has served to create standards for public defense services in Indiana Counties or Regional Systems that choose to uphold those standards in exchange for a partial reimbursement of county expenses in non-capital cases. The Commission also provides standards and partial reimbursement to all counties in capital (death penalty) cases and Federal Title 4-E Funding to ALL counties that request funding.

The Commission is an independent, judicial branch state agency of Indiana's state government.

There are three separate state agencies that provide support to Indiana's locally-based public defense services. The agencies and their primary duties are listed below.

Seeking Public Comment: Criminal Rule 6.1 - Capital (Death Penalty) Rules of Criminal Procedure

At the July meeting, the Commission authorized its staff to release proposed changes for public comment to update Criminal Rule 6.1, the state’s capital (death penalty) rule of criminal procedure.

The Commission anticipates submitting its final recommendations to the Supreme Court for consideration after its next quarterly meeting, set for September 18.

We ask that you submit your comments to:



Indiana Attorney Disciplinary Commission Issues Advisory Opinion for Attorneys at Initial Hearings:

The opinion, "Navigating Limited Representation at an Initial Hearing," addresses this question: "How may a public defender provide meaningful and efficient representation to multiple public defender clients at initial hearing while maintaining compliance with Indiana’s Rules of Professional Conduct?" All attorneys who represent indigent clients at initial hearings should carefully review the advisory opinion, which can be found by clicking HERE.

Remaining 2024 Reimbursement Request Due Dates & Commission Meeting Dates:

QuarterReimbursement Request Due DateCommission Meeting Date
2nd 2024Wednesday, August 14Wednesday, September 18
3rd 2024Thursday, November 14Wednesday, December 18

Commission meetings begin at 2 p.m. Eastern and comply with the Indiana Open Door Law (IC § 5-14-1.5). Meetings are held at the Commission Office (101 West Ohio Street, Suite 1800, Indianapolis, IN, 46204) unless otherwise stated on the meeting notice and agenda. The public is invited to attend in person or via electronic means permitted under IC § 5-14-1.5-3.6 excluding any Executive Sessions that may be scheduled as permitted under IC § 5-14-1.5-6.1. To view the Commission’s Electronic Meeting Policy, click here.

Guideline Change Announcement (12/30/21):

Effective January 1, 2024, the Commission has approved changes to the guidelines that accompany Standard G (Compensation) and to Standard J (Caseloads). Click here for more information.