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Indiana State Personnel Department Brand

It is important that other state agencies can easily identify Indiana State Personnel Department (INSPD) products and the value associated with them. This is why having a strong, consistent brand is critical. Though our divisions manage different personnel issues, state employees should see INSPD as unified, credible and ready to help. By applying the same brand standards to all messaging, we reinforce this image.

Download Branding Style Guide as PDF

A note from the director

The Indiana State Personnel Department strives to be a credible, forward thinking and customer-focused Human Resources partner who enables your agency to focus on providing great government services to Hoosiers. We provide this through a shared service delivery model that features embedded HR teams, promotes consistency and compliance through support teams and maximizes efficient use of resources.

Moving forward, INSPD is operating with two overarching goals driving all business decisions. The first is enhancing service delivery. Through this, we plan to improve agency customer service and cultivate a positive impression for applicants interested in state employment.

The second is enriching the employee experience by positioning the State of Indiana as an employer of choice, fostering an environment conducive to increased employee engagement and facilitating programs that enable well-being for employees and their families. By enriching an employee's experience, we attract and retain the best talent, which in turn enables your agency to run at peak performance.

Our success depends on frequent communication and feedback from you. Please reach out with suggestions on what is going well and what we can do better. I look forward to our continued partnership.