indianaLogo (67K)

The Logo

The updated Indiana State Personnel Department logo consists of two elements: the symbol of people working together forming a star and the name, or signature, Indiana State Personnel Department.

It's important to use the logo as detailed in the following pages of the Branding Style Guide. Using the INSPD logo properly and consistently maintains the logo's value as the symbol of our agency and the services we provide.

logo.fw (80K)

Download Logos in SharePoint Reference Library

You can also request logo versions for print and web from INSPD Communications. Email the Communications Division.

Logo and Clear Space Requirements

The INSPD logo's clear space requirement is designed to maintain the integrity of the logo. Maintaining ample clear space around the logo ensures that it remains legible and visible.

Photos, text and graphic elements should never be placed within the pictured clear space.

The clear space is the size one half the logo's height on all sides as shown below.

Logo-Clear-Space (36K)

Using the Agency Logo

The Indiana State Personnel Department logo is designed to be used on a white background whenever possible. If the design requires that it be placed on a color background, please assure the legibility of the logo.

You should always strive to use the full color horizontal version above. The logo is available in a vertical stack. If you need to use the logo on a darker background, you can use a white version of the logo. In some special cases, a one-color version of the logo could be used either in all black, blue or gold.

The INSPD logos may be reduced or enlarged, but don't alter their height-to-width ratio. Do not attempt to remake them with your own image manipulation or desktop publishing applications. (See Branding Style Guide, Page 5). Always use the original artwork supplied. If you need a particular size or different file type, contact the Communications Division at