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Jeff Schemmer - Executive Director of Statewide 911 Board

Jeff is a forty-six-year resident of Indiana and began working in the 911 community thirty-five years ago as a dispatcher with the Bloomington Police Department (BPD). After the 1998 consolidation of dispatch services with BPD and Monroe County Sheriff's Office, he continued to serve as a dispatcher. From 2003 to 2006, he served as the center's training coordinator. In 2006, Jeff was promoted to Communications Manager for the center and served in that position until 2019, when he accepted the position of Executive Director at Hamilton County Public Safety Communications.

During his time working in the 911 field, Jeff also worked as an emergency medical technician with Bloomington Hospital Ambulance Service for six years. He participated in various local and state committees regarding public safety, including the Local Emergency Planning Committee and Emergency Management Advisory Council. In addition, from 2014 to 2015, he served as President of the Indiana State National Emergency Number Association chapter. In 2018 he was appointed to the Indiana Statewide 911 Board by the Governor and has chaired the Training Standards Committee and the Budget Committee for the board.

During his free time, Jeff enjoys anything photography-related. In addition, he has exhibited his work in numerous galleries, including Indiana University's Grunwald Gallery of Art.

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