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Easter Seals Arc of Northeast Indiana

Leslie Crandall
4919 Coldwater Road
Fort Wayne
(260) 456-4534

Easter Seals Arc provides exceptional services to ensure all people with disabilities or special needs and their families have equal opportunities to live, learn, work and play in their communities.
Easter Seals Arc of Northeast Indiana has been serving people with disabilities and special needs and their families for over half of the last century. What is now Easter Seals Arc began as Johnny Appleseed School in 1954 with a small group of Fort Wayne parents who held a dream for their children with developmental disabilities. That dream included education, skill training, recreation, integration and support that would enable their children to live within the community at the level of independence of their choice.
Now over 57 years later, the same basic principles and philosophy remain at the core of our ever-growing list of services. Easter Seals Arc's affiliation with both Easter Seals and The Arc empower us to provide the highest quality of services and resources for children and adults with a wide range of disabilities. We are proud of our geographical expansion, our growing list of progressive programs and our personal commitment to each person and family we serve.

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