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About Dry Cleaner Chemicals

Perc (Perchloroethylene also known as Tetrachloroethylene) was introduced in the 1930s as an alternative solvent for dry cleaning of garments initially in transfer machines (1st generation machines). Innovations in dry cleaning machines (5th generation) have caused Perc emissions and waste to decrease.

Owners and operators of dry cleaning establishments have explored the use of solvent alternatives such as heated hydrocarbons (DF2000, EcoSolv, etc.), Methyl Siloxane (GreenEarth®), SK4 or Solvon K4 and Sensene (Alkopropanol formulation - Dow). Additionally, some operations have expanded usage of wet cleaning processes when a garment manufacturer’s label does not require dry cleaning only. Wet cleaning does require operator training but can be a successful alternative to dry cleaning processes that utilize Perc.

The standards of 40 CFR 63 Subpart M - National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) for Perc Dry Cleaning Facilities, were created and are enforced by the U.S. EPA and Indiana to reduce emissions of Perc. Subpart M was amended on July 27, 2006 and again on July 11, 2008 which included the requirements that dry cleaning operations that are co-residential (within the same building as occupied residences), cease the use of Perc after December 21, 2020.

  • EnviroForensics, IDLA (Indiana Dry Cleaning & Laundry Association) and IDEM partnered together to create a video to educate dry cleaners on the amendments to Subpart M. A presentation was delivered on May 14, 2008 by a member of CTAP: "Environmental Outreach for Indiana Dry Cleaners" [YouTube]. Today, IDLA is known as the MWDLA (Midwest Dry Cleaning & Laundry Association).

Compliance Assistance Resources

CTAP Contact Information

  • CTAP Staff can conduct in-person site visits to help owners and operators understand how to comply with environmental regulations that impact them as well as considering pollution prevention measures.

    Contact CTAP using the CTAP Partner Portal to request help.  It will require setting up a free account through Access Indiana.

Perc Dry Cleaner Information

Separator Water

Hazardous Waste


Professional Wet Cleaning Workgroup

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