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Managed Service Provider

RFP 21-64147: Managed Services Provider (MSP)

Frequently Asked Questions and Responses

Last updated:  6/6/2022



IDOA Response

Who is my point of contact for questions?

State employees / Hiring Managers should contact their agency procurement personnel.
Resources who are providing services to the State:
* may ask State Hiring Managers work product questions.
* must ask their employer all employee questions, such as compensation and benefits.

Employers of Record / Providers should contact CAI directly.

What is the difference between a Selected Resource Program (SRP) resource and a staff augmentation resource?A Staff Augmentation resource is selected through a competitive process where potential candidates are submitted by providers within the MSP network.
The staff augmentation resources are employed by a vendor within the MSP network. An SRP resource is identified and qualified by an Indiana agency through their own internal recruitment processes for an opening they currently have within their organization. Ideally, the open position will fall within the job titles identified as part of the CAI Indiana MSP QPA #58993 contract (if an agency does not see a job title that aligns with their position on the rate card, please reach out to CAI and IDOA). The agency presents the resource to CAI who will then serve as the employer of record for the resource after performing CAI required onboarding tasks.
What are the background check requirements for an SRP resource that is transitioning from the previous KS MSP contract to the new CAI MSP contract?Background check results cannot transfer from one employer to another. Since the SRP resource is changing employers, they will be required to complete both agency-required background checks and CAI-required background checks. A State agency has the authority to waive the agency-required background check (and reference the previous background check). The CAI-required background checks may not be waived and must be completed.
What are the background check requirements for a staff augmentation resource that is transitioning from the previous KS MSP contract to the new CAI MSP contract?Background check results cannot transfer from one employer to another. The background check requirements are defined by each agency and employer. A State agency has the authority to waive the agency-required background check (and reference the previous background check).
Why do transitioning resources need to go through any type of background check?Background check results cannot transfer from one employer to another. A transitioning resource will need to complete new background checks if they are changing employers under the new program. A State agency may also require new background checks as part of the process of moving from one contract to another. Alternatively, a state agency has the authority to waive the agency-required background check (and reference the previous background check). It is critical that all resources working under the new contract meet all State agency required background check requirements to prevent exposing the State of Indiana to potential risk.
Are fingerprints required for all SRP or Staff Augmented resource?No. Fingerprints are based on Agency specific requirements outlined by Indiana Code. Each agency should notify CAI if a fingerprint is required.
Who can I contact with Fingerprint related questions?Please feel free to Contact IDOA’s Fingerprint Services, with any questions regarding the fingerprinting process.
Is it possible that my SRP and staff augmentation resources will have different benefits offered to them?The individuals may be employed by different employers and therefore have accepted different benefit packages. As this is a contractor-client relationship, the State defers to the employers to establish their benefit package. Each employer has their own benefits package that they offer to their employees. It is the responsibility of each contractor to review the benefits package offered by a potential employer and decide if that package meets their own personal needs before signing any employment agreements.
Am I able to ask my SRP or staff augmentation resources about the benefit packages being offered to them?No, you should not discuss specifics of benefit packages with your contractors. Doing so can create co-employment risk.
What does co-employment risk mean?Based upon IRS factors, the relationship will be distinguished between employer-employee or contractor-client. In the case of individuals providing services through the Managed Service Provider contract, the relationship is contractor - client. This distinction is relevant in mitigating potential legal matters that could result in State financial and benefits implications to the individual performing work on behalf of the State. To simplify the explanation, an individual who is not employed by the State is not treated as State employees. This includes, but is not limited to, the State is not a party to discussions about the terms of employee agreements between the contractor and their employer. State Hiring Managers and other State employees are not to discuss or advocate for the individual to their employer. Conversations between the State and the individual performing the work is to focus solely on the work product and the services being rendered. In the event, the State would like an adjustment to the individual's pay rate, this can be proposed by working with the agency procurement staff, IDOA and/or CAI; not with the individual or their employer.
Should my resource come to me with questions related to payroll, benefits, etc., who can I refer them to?You should direct your resource to discuss these items with their employer of record to avoid the risks of co-employment outlined above.
May I offer a State position to a candidate recruited by the MSP Supplier Network?If the State agency would like to do so, there is a conversion process with monetary obligations to follow. The State agency manager would need to discuss this with their agency procurement staff and IDOA to learn the assessment process and the financial obligation. If the State agency determines the conversion is desired, the employer agrees to the financial obligation and transition terms and the individual agrees to the transition, this may be arranged legally and financially. If full-time employment is the end goal of a contract position, it is a best practice to clearly note this on the position so that providers/candidates are aware of this upfront.
What are the steps for bringing on a candidate through the competitive workflow process?Step 1: The Hiring Manager will coordinate with their agency’s Head Procurement Agent to follow the agency’s internal process to submit a requisition in VectorVMS for review and approval.

Step 2: Once requisition is approved, CAI will release the position to the provider network and do the initial screening of candidates, before forwarding a subset of candidates to the Hiring Manager for review. The Hiring Manager will review these candidates forwarded by CAI.

Step 3: The Hiring Manager will interview candidates and answer any questions pertaining to the position, skills, or qualifications of the candidate. The Hiring Manager will not make official offers or discuss salaries or benefits with the candidate.

Step 4: When the Hiring Manager decides to move forward with engaging a candidate, they will “request engagement” on the candidate profile in VectorVMS.

Step 5: Once an engagement is requested in VectorVMS, the CAI Account Manager will work with the CAI provider (who will be the candidate’s employer of record).

Step 6: Should the candidate have any questions related to payroll, benefits, etc., the Hiring Manager should refer the candidate back to their employer of record (so as not to avoid any co-employment risks)
What are the steps for bringing on a candidate through the SRP workflow process?

Step 1: When the Indiana Hiring Manager has an SRP identified they want to employ through CAI, the Indiana Hiring Manager may initially discuss salary/rate expectations with the candidate.

Step 2: When the SRP individual expresses interest in the opportunity, the Hiring Manager will coordinate with their agency’s Head Procurement Agent to follow agency internal process to notify CAI of with the individual’s contact information, job description and desired pay rate.

Step 3: CAI will initiate the engagement/onboarding process for the candidate.

Step 4: Following the initial salary/rate discussion, the Hiring Manager should refer the candidate to CAI for all employment discussions, such as payroll or benefits questions, to avoid co-employment risks.

I have a SOW Project. May I use the MSP?The MSP SOW Project process is available. The request template to use is found at: SOW Project process is under review with the objective being to enhance cross agency collaboration, and supplier network compliance. The completed template should be emailed to for IDOA review. When approved by all State stakeholders, IDOA will release the SOW to CAI for supplier competition.
When will Staff Augmentation and SRP resources transition from the old contract to the new contract?

The timing is dependent upon multiple factors, with multiple entities in control of varying phases of data collection and decision making. There is no current deadline for transitions to be completed; however, the current expectation is this will be a completed phase no later than 12/31/2022. The agency will determine the transition date based on the following process:

* Employers of Record provide pay rate information to CAI
* CAI applies the MSP contractual rate card terms to the pay rate
* CAI presents the resulting information to the agency
* The agency reviews internally and either approves or counters for further discussion
* If the discussion takes the position outside the negotiated rate card ranges, the agency will request the deviation and provide justification to IDOA
* Upon final agreement, CAI provides the information to the employers of record
* The employers of record are at liberty to approve or counter. If a counter offer is to be made, the employer of record will be asked to provide justification for the deviation to CAI. IDOA and agency will review and respond
* In the event the agency agrees, the agency will determine the transition date. In the event the agency does not agree, continued efforts will be made to reach agreement. In the event agreement between the agency and the employer of record is not reached, CAI will present the agency with their current options.

How were rate card terms (pay rate range, bill rate range, and mark-up percentages) reached?Each of these factors (resource pay rate range, provider mark-up percentage, MSP fee) were included in the RFP cost proposal template and proposed during the competitive RFP process. Evaluators clarified concerns over the responses with the corresponding Respondents that resulted in the award to CAI.
How do I request an increase to the pay rate, the bill rate and/or the mark up rate that is higher than the rate card?Complete the Managed Service Provider Standard Process Exception Request found at . Submit the form to
Are individuals or sole proprietors allowed to enroll as MSP network providers?No. Individual or sole proprietors must be contracted directly, via personal services contract, with the state agency after the IDOA Special Procurement Request is approved by IDOA.

What is the effective date of the new contract?

The new contract with CAI is fully executed, effective 12/21/2021. The contract term is four years with the option to renew for two additional years.

When did the Knowledge Services contract expire?

The previous contract with Knowledge Services expired at the end of last calendar year on December 31st, 2021.

What is the scope of the new contract?

The new contract scope with CAI is the same as the previous contract scope. This includes:

* Staff Augmentation (aka temporary staffing) for the medical, IT, and administrative/clerical work categories
* The Selected Resource Program (SRP aka Payroll)
* IT Project Work for projects under $1 million and shorter than one year

Independent Validation and Verification (IV&V) of IT Project work over $1 million for projects longer than one year

What happened to existing PO’s and resources when the Knowledge Services contract expired?

Purchase orders may extend past a contract expiration date as long as the purchase order is dispatched before the contract expiration date. Therefore, all existing purchase orders with Knowledge Services may remain until the PO amount is used, unless a transition target date for all purchase orders is established and communicated by IDOA. Modifications to purchase orders to increase hours or amounts require IDOA review and approval effective 1/1/2022. New requisitions must be made with CAI. Contact CAI at for assistance.

Is there a cap on the length or amount of money for new purchase orders or modifications to existing purchase orders with Knowledge Services?

Not at this time. But IDOA will likely establish a target date (in 2022) for all agencies to transition existing Knowledge Services purchase orders over to CAI. The target date will be communicated as soon as it is established.

If I have encumbered funds on a PO with Knowledge Services at the time of transition, may I un-encumber the remaining funds and redirect the funds to the new CAI PO?Please seek input and guidance from your CFO or SBA.

Will all resources for all contract scope categories transition to the new contract?

IDOA and CAI are working with agencies to determine the transition plans and timing for individuals of the Staff Augmentation and the Selected Resource Program (SRP) categories.

IT Project Work and IV&V of IT Project Work will finish out under the Knowledge Services contract and associated work order and purchase order.

How will the transition to the new MSP work?

CAI is working with agencies to develop agency transition plans to the new CAI contract. Ultimately, it is the agency’s responsibility to approve, execute and manage the transition plan with CAI and IDOA support (if needed).

Do I have to create new requisitions under the new contract for existing projects and temporary resources?

This will only need to be done in accordance with your agency’s specific transition plan to the new CAI contract.

When should I expect for IDOA and CAI to reach out to me for transition meetings?

IDOA has reached out to or met with every known agency to have active resources or projects under the previous agreement. Transition planning is underway. If you have questions about transitioning your resources, please reach out to IDOA at

When an agency submits the completed transition plan template to IDOA, IDOA will review and send it to CAI. CAI will reach out to the agency-designated MSP coordinator to schedule a meeting to discuss transition plan execution.

What should I do to prepare for my transition meeting with IDOA?

Please aggregate information for each temporary resource engagement (staff augmentation and SRP):

* How long do you need a temporary resource (end date) to do this work?
* Do you need the current resource or will another resource with equivalent knowledge, skill, and ability suffice?

What is the purchase order number and how many hours are still available on the purchase order?

What will happen to dotStaff?

We are relying on Knowledge Services to continue all services, including dotStaff, associated with all active purchase orders through the purchase order expiration date.
CAI’s vendor management system (VMS), VectorVMS, will replace dotStaff for all new requisitions made with CAI. The CAI Account Manager assigned to your agency will work with you during the rollout of the VectorVMS solution.

When and how will VectorVMS training be provided?CAI completed introductory and VectorVMS training meetings with all agencies. VectorVMS manuals are available for anyone seeking training or assistance. If you need assistance beyond the manual, please contact your agency head procurement agent.

When can we begin submitting new requisitions for staff augmentation, SRP, IT Project, and IV&V?

CAI is accepting and filling new requisitions for staff augmentation and SRP. Coordinate with your agency Head Procurement Agent to follow internal processes.
IT Project and IV&V:

Complete this form: to initiate services.

Will the temporary service providers in the current MSP network transition to new MSP network?

CAI has reached out to providers in the previous MSP network and invited them to initiate enrollment and onboarding to the new network. To see the full list of providers enrolled in the new CAI MSP network, go to:

Please note: This list is updated frequently and only includes the providers that have completed the enrollment process. It does not include providers who are in process.

When will CAI reach out to current SRP resources regarding the transition?

This is dependent upon the agency approved transition plan.

Hiring Managers may seek direction from their agency Head Procurement Agent to acquire an answer to this question.
Individuals performing the work should ask their employers of record their employment questions. The employers of record should follow up with CAI. CAI will engage with the agency and/or IDOA when appropriate.

The appropriate flow of communication about employment is not between the Hiring Manager and the individual performing the work. To mitigate co-employment risk, conversations should be limited to the work product expectations and fulfillment.

If we have resources and network providers that want to continue working with the State in the new CAI network, should we recommend they make contact with CAI?Yes. Resources may email:

Network Providers may utilize the program web portal,, to learn more about the program and initiate the enrollment process.
If a provider in the previous network decides to not join the new network, what options does the State have to transition that resource to the new contract?While the circumstances of any situation need to be reviewed, one potential path could be to convert the resource from staff augmentation to SRP. Upon review, options will be provided to the agency.
We have resources that have gone through an extensive federal background check which took months to complete.  Will these resources be transitioned to the new contract?The agency Head Procurement Agent completed a transition document to be used by CAI. Please assure these details were included in your transition plan document. It is important that these important details are highlighted for CAI and the agency to incorporate into the transition plan.
When a resource transitions from the Knowledge Services contract to the CAI contract, will a new background check be administered?This will be reviewed based upon the position, agency requirements and employer of record requirements. This will be included in the transition review and discussed with the agency.

When will I be able to see the new resource rate card?

The new rate card is available at

This is a different model than the previous. The current rate card should not be compared with the previous rate card. Instead, it is encouraged to gain full understanding of the model change including noting the pay range now transparent, a negotiated mark-up cap that is now known and the reduced MSP fee.
A visual explanation is available at:

MSP Town Hall Presentation 12/16/2021
Slides 5 – 6 of 10

Generally, how do the rates in the current contract compare to the rates in new contract?

There are three elements to the hourly rate the State pays for a resource (commonly referred to the bill rate). These three elements are:
1. The pay rate ($) that goes to the resource.
2. The mark up rate (% of resource pay rate) that goes to the vendor in the network.
3. The MSP fee (% of resource pay rate) that goes to the MSP (KS / CAI)

The rate that you are invoiced and pay to the MSP is inclusive of all three elements. In other words, the resource only receives a portion of what we pay to the MSP.
Under the Knowledge Services contract, we did not have visibility into the portion of the bill rate that goes to the resource versus the vendor. Therefore, we cannot provide a comparison of resource pay rates and vendor mark-up rates between the two contracts.

The MSP fees in the CAI contract are lower than those in the KS contract. The below table shows the difference in the MSP fees between the two contracts.

Contract Scope



Staff Augmentation






IT Project Work






How is the bill rate calculated for staff augmentation and SRP?

The bill rate formulas are:

Staff Augmentation = resource pay rate + (resource pay rate * provider mark-up rate) + (resource pay rate * CAI staff augmentation fee)
SRP = resource pay rate + (resource pay rate * benefit reimbursement rate) + (resource pay rate * statutory cost reimbursement rate) + resource pay rate * CAI SRP fee)

Fees are always applied to the resource pay rate and are not compounded.

Are SRP resources offered a benefits package?  If so, what is included?  What is the estimated value?

Most SRP resources will be employees of CAI. CAI offers a benefit package for full time associates (working more than 30 hours per week) that can be customized to an individual’s needs. Available benefits include health, dental, and vision insurance, healthcare flexible spending account, life and disability insurance, and paid time off (PTO). The State reimburses CAI for benefit and statutory costs at a rate of 11% and 9% (respectively).

Who provides performance management for SRP and staff augmentation resources?CAI should be the first point of contact for any performance management issues. CAI’s role in working towards resolution will differ depending on the service being provided (Staff Augmentation, SRP, IT Project Work, or IV&V). No matter the service, however, CAI will first review the issue in detail with the Agency to have an understanding of the issue and the desired outcome to ensure all customer satisfaction issues are handled immediately and swiftly. If there is a performance issue with an SRP resource, as the employer, CAI will work directly with the resource and their HR team for resolution. If there is a performance issue with a Staff Augmentation resource, CAI will inform the resource’s vendor of the issues and work with them for resolution. Additionally, as part of CAI’s proactive performance management plan, the VMS will automatically distribute evaluations of Staff Augmentation and SRP resources to hiring managers at predetermined intervals, and hiring managers are encouraged to complete these evaluations as they will provide CAI with feedback regarding the work performance of that resource and help CAI address any potential issues. If there is a performance issue on an IT or IV&V project, CAI will facilitate discussions between the Agency and Vendor and act as a mediator to work towards a resolution.
Will current pay rates for resources transitioning into the new network be honored?One primary goal for transitioning from the previous contract and network into the new is to minimize agency disruptions to operations. IDOA recognizes the resources contracted through the MSP are important to agency operations.

Resource pay rate discussions are best held between the resource, their employer, and CAI.

What if a resource pay rate range is not aligned or competitive with the labor market?

There are three methodologies of approach:

If an agency wishes to request an adjustment to the negotiated rate card by individual performing the work, the Managed Service Provider QPA Exception Request form is available for agency completion at:
If CAI discovers the misalignment, CAI is responsible for bringing these situations to IDOA for review, discussion, and possible exception or contract amendment.
If a supplier claims there to be a misalignment, it is the responsibility for the supplier to contact CAI. Agencies should guide the supplier to CAI. CAI and IDOA have prepared the data request for the supplier to complete for their claim to be taken into consideration.
The rate card is available at

Any exceptions must be reviewed and approved by IDOA.

Are Attorney services included in the MSP?Requests will be reviewed by IDOA on a case-by-case basis to determine if the duties outlined in the job description follow Attorney General guidelines and whether the position may proceed through the MSP.
Please describe the overall timing from need identification to resource approval to begin work for staff augmentation, SRP, IT Project, and IV&V.The timing can differ for each service (Staff Augmentation, SRP, IT Project Work, or IV&V) because of the different processes involved. For Staff Augmentation services, the average duration between need identification (request approved by the agency and submitted to CAI through VectorVMS) and the resource authorized to start working is 4 weeks. This allows time for CAI screening, agency interview and selection, creation of Purchase Order, and completion of standard onboarding requirements. For SRP services, the average duration between need identification and the resource authorized to start working is 3 weeks since the CAI screening and agency interview and selection steps are not necessary. While these are average numbers, the duration could be longer for both Staff Augmentation and SRP services if a position requires additional onboarding tasks. The timing for IT and IV&V projects is dependent on each individual project. The timeline will be defined within the requirements document that will be
released to the vendor network.
Am I able to hire a temporary resource as a state employee?This is allowable under the CAI contract, however, as a general rule the State should wait six months to allow for the recoupment of recruiting and onboarding investment by the provider. IDOA and CAI are collaborating on an amendment to the contract that will detail not to exceed conversion fees paid by the State if a resource is hired prior to the resource completing an hours-worked threshold.
Can a resource or project begin work before I send my fully approved PO to CAI?No. This puts tremendous risk on the MSP, provider, and resource. The PO must be fully approved and dispatched to CAI before the resource or project team begins work.
What should I include on my PO for a resource or project?IDOA recommends including the contract job title, estimated number of hours, effective start date, and bill rate. If the position is approved for overtime, IDOA recommends including overtime as a separate line item. We highly discourage including the individual resource name on the PO. If the individual is replaced by another resource for the same assignment, there is a risk that the PO will have to be cancelled and reissued.

If I am asked a question about the procurement process or IDOA’s award decision, what should I say?

Please direct them to IDOA at

If my temporary resources or IT project resources have questions about transitioning to the new MSP network, what should I say?

IDOA invites all questions and concerns to be heard. This is a transition with multiple stakeholders that requires collaboration and coordination. While we encourage resources to ask questions of their employer, questions may also be emailed to Additionally, IDOA encourages network providers to email questions to

Complete this form (link to in order to initiate services. These include Staff Augmentation (aka temporary staffing) for the medical, IT, and administrative/clerical work categories * The Selected Resource Program (SRP aka Payroll) * IT Project Work for projects under $1 million and shorter than one year * Independent Validation and Verification (IV&V) of IT Project work over $1 million for projects longer than one year.

This form will be received by CAI. CAI will then contact you to collaborate.

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