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Indiana Unclaimed PropertyAttorney General

Unclaimed Property is any financial asset with no activity by its owner for an extended period of time. It includes unclaimed wages or commissions; savings and checking accounts; stock dividends; insurance proceeds; underlying shares; customer deposits or overpayments; certificates of deposit; credit balances; refunds; money orders; and safe deposit box contents. The organization holding the potential unclaimed property makes every effort to contact the owner and establish activity through an online login, written correspondence, a withdrawal or deposit, or an update to personal information. If these attempts do not produce activity, the asset is reported to the state of the owner’s last known address.

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Quick QuoteBureau of Motor Vehicles

The BMV is pleased to provide vehicle registration estimates based on the information that you enter in to QuickQuote. The actual cost of your registration, plates and/or title may vary from this estimate due to credits and transfer fees for registrations and license plates. Additionally, you may be due credits on certain taxes paid on previous registrations. Currently, QuickQuote is unable to calculate these credits. Therefore, we ask that you not prepare payments, such as checks, based on this estimate.

QuickQuote is designed to estimate the price of new registrations. At this time estimates for annual renewals of registrations cannot be processed through QuickQuote.

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BMV Online SchedulerBureau of Motor Vehicles

The Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles recognizes your life is busy, so we have launched a branch appointment reservation program to help save you valuable time. You can schedule the following transaction types using our online scheduler: Driver’s License and State ID Renewal, Vehicle Registrations (Up to Three Indiana Vehicles), and Title a Vehicle (One Indiana Vehicle or One Indiana Watercraft). There are currently 65 branches that accept appointments including all of the state's busiest locations. Branch transactions appointments may be scheduled Tuesday through Friday up to six months in advance.

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Travel AdvisoryDepartment of Homeland Security

The travel advisory is a real-time resource hosted by the Indiana Department of Homeland Security to highlight travel conditions at the county level. Each county emergency manager, in conjunction with his/her local governing body, can declare a travel emergency according to their local conditions. This information updates the map and advises drivers of hazards across Indiana.

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Indiana Public Safety PortalDepartment of Homeland Security

The Indiana Public Safety Portal is your one-stop resource to apply for many of the permits and licenses which are administered by the Indiana Department of Homeland Security.

The Public Safety Portal allows you to:

  • Apply for an elevator mechanic, contractor or owner license
  • Apply for an Elevator Installation, alteration or operating permit
  • Obtain a permit to sell Fireworks as a retailer
  • Register in the State of Indiana as a Fireworks wholesaler
  • Register Organized Fireworks Displays
  • Obtain an Amusement and Entertainment (A & E) permit
  • Check inspection records for public buildings, elevators, amusement rides, and more

Future updates will replace the current online process for:

  • Inspection records for Boilers and Pressure Vessels
  • Applying for review of building plans for construction or alteration of Class 1 building structures
  • Searching for construction design releases, building variances, and more

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Personal Property Online Portal (PPOP-IN)Indiana Department of Local Government Finance

The State of Indiana’s Personal Property Online Portal (PPOP-IN) satisfies the need for a convenient online portal for taxpayers to file personal property returns. This application standardizes and streamlines the filing process throughout the State of Indiana.

  • The following automated personal property forms are available.
  • Form 102 - Farmer's Tangible Personal Property Assessment Return (State Form 50006)
  • Form 103-Short - Business Tangible Personal Property Return (State Form 11274)
  • Form 103-Long - Business Tangible Personal Property Assessment Return (State Form 11405)
  • Form 103-N - Information Return of Not Owned Personal Property (State Form 23000)
  • Form 103-O - Information Return of Owned Personal Property (State Form 24057)
  • Form 104 - Business Tangible Personal Property Return (State Form 10068)
  • Form 106 - Schedule of Adjustments to Business Personal Property Return (State Form 12980)
Additional forms may be scanned and uploaded to complete a filing.

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Campground ReservationsDepartment of Natural Resources

The Central Reservation System allows people to reserve campsites, cabins, and day-use facilities online. The site allows people to search by the type of facility they want to reserve, the location or property name and the arrival date. The system also includes an area for people to check their camping gift card balance. There is a different reservation site to book rooms at the state parks inns and lodges.

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Ginseng IndianaDepartment of Natural Resources

Ginseng Dealers

Apply for your annual Ginseng Dealer's license through this portal as well as:

  • Log your dealer transactions
  • Create your shipping certificates
  • Enter your periodic reports

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Fish & WildlifeDepartment of Natural Resources

Through the Division of Fish & Wildlife's online license portal, you can:

  • Purchase your Indiana resident and non-resident fishing, hunting, and trapping licenses
  • Access the CheckIN Game system
  • Apply for reserved hunts
  • Find your Customer ID
  • Register for your harvest information program (HIP) number

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Fishing Tournament Permit ApplicationDepartment of Natural Resources

A Fishing Tournament Permit is required by the Indiana DNR to conduct a tournament with 15 or more watercraft on a state-owned or managed reservoir/lake including: Brookville, Hardy, Lieber, Mississinewa, Monroe, Patoka, Raccoon and Salamonie.

A permit is also required for the following lakes: Lake Wawasee and Syracuse Lake in Kosciusko County and Sylvan Lake in Noble County.

Regulations can be found in Indiana Administrative Code 312 IAC 5-3.5. Click the button below for more information about Permits for Fishing Tournaments on Public Waters.

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LVIS 360Department of Education

Welcome to the Indiana Department of Education's Licensing Verification and Information System (fondly known at the DOE as LVIS). This new online application system has been designed with enhanced self-service features to make it easier and faster for you to apply for and receive your credentials.

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Youth Employment System (YES)Department of Labor

The Indiana Department of Labor’s new Youth Employment System, or YES, is now live, opening the door for Hoosier employers to begin using the system to comply with a new youth-employment law that goes into effect July 1.

The new law requires Indiana employers who hire five or more minor employees (under age 18), per location, to list those employees in the new YES registry. The change is part of amendments to Indiana Code 22-2-18.1-26 made during the 2020 state legislative session, which also mandated implementation of the YES registry and effective date of employer registration by July 1, 2021.

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Check Refund Status (INTIME)Department of Revenue

Beginning Sept. 7, 2021, use DOR’s new e-services portal, INTIME to view the status of your individual income tax refund.

To view your refund status, visit:

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Virtual Client EngagementDepartment of Workforce Development

The Virtual Client Engagement Portal is a new virtual tool designed to ease scheduling, communication and document sharing is now available for WorkOne clients.

Need help finding a job, want to explore careers or education and training opportunities, or get career advice? Book a virtual appointment to meet with an expert and learn more about the programs and services available through your local WorkOne Center.

Log into the WorkOne Portal to...

  • View and schedule virtual appointments
  • Via video conferencing
  • Via phone
  • Communicate with your WorkOne representative
  • Share, review and sign documents safely between you and your WorkOne representative
  • And more

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Child Care FinderFamily and Social Services Administration

Child Care Finder helps Hoosiers locate child care providers currently licensed or registered in Indiana. FSSA provides this website for the public to access. The information on this website is updated regularly.

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INconnect AllianceFamily and Social Services Administration

The INconnect Alliance is comprised of 16 Aging and Disability Resource Centers throughout Indiana. We are committed to helping you find the information and resources you need as you navigate the complex care puzzle and system of long term services and supports. Our goal is to put knowledge at your fingertips. The more you know, the better decisions you can make for yourself or someone you care about.

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IN ConnectFamily and Social Services Administration

INconnect allows you to start searching for FSSA services and Medicaid providers in your area. Services include medical professionals, child care, addiction services, medical places, FSSA programs and FSSA locations.

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Indiana Addiction TreatmentFamily and Social Services Administration

The Division of Mental Health and Addiction certifies all addiction treatment providers in the state of Indiana. Find addiction treatment in Indiana by using this tool or call the Indiana Mental Health and Addiction Hotline 800-662-HELP (4357).

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Make a First Steps PaymentFamily and Social Services Administration

First Steps is Indiana's early intervention program that provides services to infants and toddlers from birth to the third birthday who have developmental delays or disabilities. First Steps families are now able to make payments online through the Make a First Steps Payment web application.

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I-LEADFamily and Social Services Administration

I-LEAD offers Hoosier providers a streamlined solution to managing licensing paperwork, background checks and updated program information. Managed by Indiana FSSA’s Office of Early Childhood and Out-of-School Learning, this new platform gives child care leaders a one-stop-shop for essential services, including access to Indiana Learning Paths, a new online learning system that connects you with webinars, interactive learning session and other learning opportunities that align with licensing and Paths to QUALITY.

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DMHA Provider PortalFamily and Social Services Administration

The DMHA portal allow providers to keep track of their certification and licensure activities within an online Salesforce platform.

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Child Care PortalFamily and Social Services Administration

The Child Care Portal allows a parent that has children with vouchers to Link their child care Case(s), View the Absences and View the Voucher information for the child(ren) on their Case(s).

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IDEM Compliance and Technical Assistance Program (CTAP)Indiana Department of Environmental Management

This interactive tool from IDEM connects you with a representative of the IDEM Compliance and Technical Assistance Program (CTAP) for assistance with your organization’s environmental questions and needs. To use this tool, you will need to create or log in to your confidential account.

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nViroIndiana Department of Environmental Management

IDEM has implemented a web-based online system for use only by those individuals representing construction storm water projects. This system allows registered users to apply for a new project, or view existing permit coverage records, or submit applications, or submit Notice of Terminations.

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COVID-19 Patient Test Results PortalIndiana Department of Health

Connect with the Indiana Patient Portal to track all of your Covid-19 test results in one location.

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DRIVEIndiana Department of Health

DRIVE (Database Registration of Indiana’s Vital Events) is the Indiana Department of Health’s electronic vital events registration system. If you are an authorized user of the birth and death registration systems, use this new portal to electronically access and register vital events.

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Grant ManagementIndiana Housing and Community Development Authority

At IHCDA, we believe that growing Indiana's economy starts at home. Everyone can agree that all Hoosiers should have the opportunity to live in safe, affordable, good-quality housing in economically stable communities. That's the heart of IHCDA's mission. Our charge is to help communities build upon their assets to create places with ready access to opportunities, goods, and services. We also promote, finance, and support a broad range of housing solutions, from temporary shelters to home ownership.

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Indiana COVID-19 Vaccination PortalIndiana Department of Health

This application will provide individual’s vaccination details including the date administered, facility, and manufacturer. An individual can also download their vaccination certificate if they have all received all the required doses.

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GatewayIndiana Department of Health

The Indiana State Department of Health – State Health Gateway is a health portal dedicated to providing information and services to health care professionals, labs, local health departments, and Health Information Exchanges (HIE) in Indiana.

The State Health Gateway web portal is a comprehensive entry point for a huge array of resources and services. Our portal provides information and resources, news, research and statistics, online tools, discussions, and newsletters pertaining to Indiana health and the delivery of health care information.

This site is organized and maintained by the Office of Technology & Compliance Division in collaboration with all program areas at the Indiana State Department of Health. The use of this portal is restricted to health care professionals working in Indiana communities and organizations. Registration is required in order to access information or services available within this portal.

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Health Services Registration Portal (MyVisit)Indiana Department of Health

The MyVisit system allows the public to schedule vaccinations and medical testing and allows providers to manage scheduling, inventorying, and patient health information. This helps individuals and families track immunizations for school, work, and travel as well as address health matters through an easy-to-use process that connects seamlessly to the data inputted by providers. Strict security protocols ensure the safety and security of Hoosiers’ private and sensitive health information.

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IDOH Promoting Interoperability PortalIndiana Department of Health

This web portal has been designed to accept the State of Indiana mandated reporting required for Healthcare entities. Included with this new portal is the continuation of Promoting Interoperability (PI) incentive program established under Meaningful Use (MU). All Healthcare entities who register and those already registered, will have access to view in real time their data submissions, have those submissions evaluated, and then presented with the results of their submitted report messages for accuracy.

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LimsNetIndiana Department of Health

The Indiana Department of Health's (IDOH) Lab's electronic specimen submission system allows users to send lab testing requests electronically rather than on paper and instantly view results.

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IEDC PortalIndiana Economic Development Corporation

The IEDC Portal allows companies and economic development partners the ability to apply for and manage their incentives they have.The Portal provides the following capabilities:

Project Information and Management System (PIMS)
  • Submit application for incentives (AFI)
  • Manage project contacts and annual reporting
  • View status of pending submissions and submit training grant reimbursements
  • Access to learning materials via Lessonly
  • Review incentive details and retrieve project related documents
Economic Development Partners
  • View projects in your respective territory and submit documentation related to local offers
Venture Capital Investment Tax Credit (VCI)
  • Allow companies and investors to apply for the VCI program
  • Submit approval letters and proof of investment documentation
Indiana State Trade and Export Promotion (IN-STEP)
  • Allow Indiana small businesses apply
  • Provide businesses opportunities to pursue reimbursements on trade activities

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IEDC LessonlyIndiana Economic Development Corporation

Lessonly hosts training courses for IEDC Submission Portal users. All users are required to complete a training tutorial before performing certain functions for the first time.

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Enterprise LicensingIndiana Licensing Enterprise

This service offers Hoosiers and Businesses a convenient online service to apply or renew an Indiana professional license 24/7. Demographic, contact, and address information may be updated at any time.

Also, required Licensure Information and Documents may be scanned and uploaded during the process, greatly speeding up the time to licensure.

This application is managed by the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency.

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INDOT - Technical Application Pathway (ITAP)Indiana Department of Transportation

Web application providing access and authorization to many INDOT business services such as the prequalification of contractors and consultants, Letters of Interest for Design RFP’s (LOIS), Professional Services Contractual Services (PSCS), Scheduling Project Management System (SPMS), Land Records System (LRS), Electronic Record Management System (ERMS), Engineering, Financial and many other services.

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IURC Online Services PortalIndiana Utility Regulatory Commission

The Online Services Portal includes a searchable database of docketed cases from 2001 to present, the ability to subscribe to a legal case, a form for customers to file a complaint about a utility, and an electronic document system so that parties to a case can file documents.

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INSPIREIndiana State Library

INSPIRE is a collection of academic, scholarly, and occupational resources available to all Hoosiers 24/7 through their home, work, school, or library via the internet. Notable resources include scholarly and professional journals, student research tools, practice tests and guides (inc. GED, SAT, and licensure exams), and career resources, such as the online résumé builder and the professional development eBook collection. INSPIRE resources are used in every institution of higher learning statewide and a majority of primary and secondary schools.

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Search for a LicenseProfessional Licensing Agency

The Search and Verify module provided by the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency can be used to search for any and all Indiana professional license holders and verify the current status of the license. This service is an original source for accreditation purposes and is continuously updated in real-time to reflect the most up-to-date information available.

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Register to VoteSecretary of State enables voters to verify they are registered, update their address, find their polling place, see who is on their ballot and view election night results.

To register to vote online, you must have a valid driver’s license or state identification card, be a citizen of the United States, be at least 18 years old on or before the next general election, have lived in your precinct for at least 30 days before the election and not currently be imprisoned after being convicted of a crime.

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INBizSecretary of State

INBiz is the state of Indiana’s one-stop resource for registering and managing your business and ensuring it complies with state laws and regulations. We utilize state-of-the-art security features so you can feel safe about inputting your personal and business information into our system.

In partnering with the Secretary of State, various state agencies and municipalities, INBiz has created a best-in-class portal that provides a streamlined and expedited process for your business needs.

From registering your business’s name to filing required paperwork, you need go no further than INBiz.

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SOS Dealer PortalSecretary of State

The Secretary of State Dealers Portal allows businesses and their representatives to apply for a license, issue interim plates, and access our other online services. For all services other than the license application, you must link your account to an existing dealer license.

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Education Scholarship Account ProgramTreasurer of State

The Indiana Education Scholarship Account program empowers families of eligible students with special needs by providing funds for educational services and resources tailored to their unique learning goals.

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