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Looking for grants skipping rocks and other not-precise sciences

How do I find grant opportunities?

Before you start looking for grants, make sure you know why you’re doing this.

Looking for grants is not a precise science. There’s no single database to find all funding opportunities available-- and for you, that’s a good thing. There are a myriad of ways to get resources for what you need.

Grant research opens up a world of possibilities: one website may lead you to a completely different funding angle, or one conversation could open up a new way of looking at your project funding. Click on all the links, and don’t hesitate to call the program manager to learn more.

  • Google. Try using different types of grants as keywords.
  • Instagram. The list of organizations below is a good place to start. You can also look through the accounts that each of these organizations follows.
  • Newsletters. We recommend starting with the organizations below. While it is unlikely all of their funding opportunities will apply to you, they can usually connect you to other leads.
  • Facebook. Be a pal and share grant opportunities with your friends.
  • Inspiring people. Research their experience!
  • Foundation Directory Online. This is the most comprehensive grant database out there - and it’s intense. Your local library or a nearby university may be able to help you access the premium version.

Places we like to start:

Remember - each funder is different. Some offer highly organized programs, while others are family trusts that make seemingly random gifts.

Keep a list of funding opportunities you want to follow up on. Here’s a grant calendar template. Once you’ve got a healthy list, prioritize the right opportunities for you and get started.

Listings are not endorsements and do not necessarily represent the views of the Indiana Arts Commission or State of Indiana.

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