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  • IAC
  • Current: Contact

Indiana Arts Commission 
100 N. Senate Avenue, Room N505
Indianapolis, IN 46204

Phone (317) 232-1269
Fax (317) 232-5595
Relay IN (800) 743-3333

Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. The office is closed on weekend and state holidays.

Place relay calls from your PC or mobile device from anywhere to anyone:

Indiana Arts Commission Staff

Executive Leadership



Grants Management and Administrative Support

Looking to contact your Regional Arts Partner? Find your Regional Arts Partner and how to connect with them.

Media Requests

Please contact Connie Brahm at (463) 221-8405 or

Public Records Requests

To request access to or a copy of public record(s) pursuant to the Access to Public Records Act (Ind. Code 5-14-3) (please note there may be a copying fee associated with your request) please contact the Marketing and Communications Director (information below).

IAC Public Records Policy

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your public records request please contact:

Connie Brahm, Marketing and Communications Director
Indiana Arts Commission
100 N Senate Ave., N505
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204

Accessibility Policy and Grievance Procedure

If a person with a disability believes a program or event of the Indiana Arts Commission (IAC) or a grantee of the IAC to be out of compliance with ADA or Section 504 laws, you may contact the IAC’s accessibility coordinator at

Staff from the IAC will review the information, contact other parties involved as applicable, and offer assistance in resolving barriers to accessibility and regaining compliance under the laws within two weeks.

Whenever an amicable resolution cannot be achieved, the person with the grievance may be directed to file a formal complaint through the The Indiana Civil Rights Commission (ICRC) or the Federal Office of Civil Rights if applicable.

If you believe that you have been discriminated against based on race, color, national origin, disability or age by the IAC or an organization that received IAC funding, you may file a complaint with The Indiana Civil Rights office at any time, at 1-800-628-2909 or file a complaint electronically.