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Driver Ability Program

Driving on Indiana roads is a way of life for many Indiana residents. One may spend years honing their physical and mental abilities to maintain independent driving privileges. In time, one may experience a life changing event that could alter their ability to maintain safe driving practices. A life changing event could be a potential physical, mental or vision disability. The Driver Ability Department for the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles is tasked with investigating requests for reviews of Indiana drivers who may be showing signs of diminished driving skills.

About the Driver Ability Program

The Driver Ability Department, at its discretion, may initiate an investigation to consider the invalidation, revocation, or restriction of a driver’s privileges upon a written request for driver ability review. All requests for driver ability review must be submitted on State Form 54750.

The form must be completed in its entirety, then submitted to the Driver Ability Department via one of the following options:

Via Mail:
Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles
Attn: Driver Ability Department
100 N Senate Ave RM 481
Indianapolis, IN 46204

Via Fax:

Once the completed form is received, the Driver Ability Department will thoroughly review the information submitted and determine if further investigation is necessary.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call us directly at 317-234-4618.


BMV Driver Ability is seeking physicians specializing in various areas to help review casework for the Indiana Medical Board.

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