Active Military, Veteran, and Surviving Spouse of a Veteran Indicators

Renewal or Replacement of your Driver’s License

License Plates Supporting Military Personnel

Easy Plate Renewal

Title an Imported Vehicle

Military-Provided Motorcycle Safety Courses

Military CDL Skills Waiver Program

Voting for Military & Overseas Citizens
Voting for Military and Overseas Citizens
Hoosiers that are overseas and need to vote can do so by visiting FVAP.gov. Once there a guided step-by-step process will direct you to filling out your request and provide instruction on where to send your voter ballot.
Active Military, Veteran, and Surviving Spouse of a Veteran Indicators
If you are on active duty in the United States Armed Forces, you may choose to have an “active duty military” indicator placed on your credential. To obtain the indicator, you must provide your current military Common Access Card (CAC) during your new issuance or renewal application.
If you are a veteran, you may choose to have a “veteran” indicator placed on your driver’s license. To obtain the indicator, you must present your DD-214 (long form) as proof of discharge or separation. Your Date of Discharge document must state your discharge was something other than a dishonorable discharge, from the United States Armed Forces.
If you are a surviving spouse of a deceased veteran, you may choose to have a “veteran spouse” indicator placed on your driver’s license. To obtain the indicator, you must present proof of the veteran’s discharge or separation, a marriage certificate, and a death certificate of the deceased veteran.
If an indicator is added during a new issuance or a renewal transaction, there is no charge. If the indicator is added to an unexpired credential outside of a renewal transaction, there will be a fee to amend your credentials.
Visit the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs for additional information regarding veteran benefits and services.
Renewal or Replacement of a Driver's License for Military Personnel
Indiana law (Indiana Code 9-24-12-6(b)) provides that the driver’s license of any Indiana resident serving in the United States Armed Forces and residing outside Indiana, or spouse and/or dependent (living outside Indiana) of someone in active duty military, remains valid for ninety (90) days after discharge or post-deployment regardless of the expiration date of the license. You may renew your driver's license online if your name and residential address have remained the same since the last time you received a license and your last renewal was in a BMV branch and you do not have a J restriction or any 2-9 restrictions.
If you, your spouse, or children need to replace your driver’s license because you cannot replace it online, or if the expiration date printed on the driver’s license is in the past and you are still deployed on active duty, you can contact the BMV about obtaining a replacement by calling or emailing us.
Alternatively, you can also print the Military Extension Letter, which you must carry in your possession at all times while operating a motor vehicle. This letter will serve as your authority to operate a motor vehicle until you are able to visit a BMV branch and obtain a renewed driver’s license or until you receive a replacement. Please check first to determine if you are eligible to renew online.
To renew or replace a non-CDL online, you will need to provide your driver’s license number, legal ZIP code, and last four digits of your Social Security number.
If you are temporarily living outside Indiana and your Indiana license has been lost or stolen while you are out of the state, you may attempt to either renew or replace your license online or request a 30-day interim credential that will allow you to return to Indiana and renew or obtain a replacement license. You may request a 30-day interim credential by submitting a completed Request for Interim/Extension License - State Form 54580.
If you, your spouse, and/or dependent of a military applicant, holds an expired Indiana license while on active duty, you are exempt from the written and driving tests regardless of the expiration date as long as you apply within 90 days of discharge from the military and present proof of discharge within 90 days when you conduct the transaction at a BMV branch. The examination exception does not apply to drivers who have six or more active points on their license or if your license is suspended. If you are out of state, and cannot conduct an online transaction because your driver’s license has been expired more than 180 days, you will need to contact the BMV at 1-888-692-6841.
Active duty military personnel who have returned from deployment within the prior 90 days who wish to renew their Indiana credential must do the following:
- Present a valid active Military ID
- To exempt the applicant from examination requirements.
- To exempt the applicant from paying an administrative penalty.
- Pass a vision screening
- Provide identification verification based on Indiana’s requirements
Military-Provided Motorcycle Safety Courses
Indiana recognizes approved motorcycle safety courses completed in other states and all five branches of the military and allows applicants to obtain a motorcycle endorsement after showing proof of completing an approved safety course.
If you are applying for a motorcycle endorsement, you must have completed an approved safety course no more than one year prior to applying for the endorsement. If your course completion card is more than one year old, you may not use that card for a waiver of the motorcycle skills examination.
If you want to apply for a motorcycle endorsement in Indiana, submit the following information and documentation to MotorcycleSafety@bmv.in.gov:
- A copy of your Motorcycle Safety Course Completion document proving successful completion of motorcycle safety course dated within one year;
- Good phone number to be contacted at;
- Secure (government) email address;
- Clear front copy of Indiana driver’s license; and
- Clear front copy of military ID or orders
After Ride Safe Indiana (RSI) reviews the documentation, you will be contacted with further instructions.
Easy Plate Renewal
Indiana military personnel living out of the state may either obtain registration in their new state of residence or renew their vehicle registrations through the Indiana BMV.
If you live out of state, but would like to renew your registration in Indiana, you may have the BMV send your registration renewal notice and your renewed material to your home address or to the address of a friend or family member who can send the materials to your current location. You will need to have a valid mail-forwarding order with your local post office so your material will reach your current address or ensure the BMV has your friend or family member’s address on record.
If you are a member of the military from another state who is stationed in Indiana, you may title and register your vehicle in Indiana. Visit a BMV branch with the following documents:
- Copy of your Leave and Earnings Statement
- Military Affidavit - State Form 46402 signed by your commanding officer
- Valid, current military identification card
Please note that active members of the military will not be charged an administrative penalty if they do not renew their registration by their renewal deadline.
Title an Imported Vehicle
The following individuals are allowed to import a vehicle duty-free from outside the United States:
- Military personnel returning at the end of an assignment in a territory outside the United States customs area
- U.S. government employees returning at the end of an assignment in a territory outside the United States customs area
“Duty-free” means that items brought through customs are not subject to a tax that is usually assigned to items imported between countries. Even though a military or U.S. government employee may be eligible to import a vehicle “duty-free,” this does not imply that the vehicle is not subject to Indiana sales tax. If the person importing the vehicle duty-free did not pay 7% sales tax on the vehicle when they purchased it and did not title the vehicle in their name prior to entry to the United States, normal sales tax rules apply.
The following completed documents are necessary for titling imported vehicles for personal use:
- Letter from the manufacturer (Ford, GM, Chrysler, etc.) that states the vehicle conforms to Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards.
- Customs Entry Form - The U.S. Customs has several types of entry forms:
- CF 368 - Collection Receipt or Informal Entry (when duty is due).
- CF 3461 - Informal Entry (when there is no duty).
- CF 7523 - Entry and Manifest of Merchandise Free of Duty
- CF 3299 - Declaration for Free Entry of Unaccompanied Articles
- CF 3311 - Declaration for Free Entry of Returned American Products
- CF 7501 - Entry Summary
- CF 6059B - Customs Declaration
- NOTE: Military personnel should have an equivalent Department of Defense (DD) Form.
- Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHSTA) - NHSTA HS-7 Declaration Form (Importation of Motor Vehicle Safety, Bumper and Theft Prevention Standards). This form must be filed when motor vehicles or items of motor vehicle equipment are entered. The HS-7 can be obtained from custom brokers or ports of entry.
- Environmental Protection Agency - EPA 3520-1 Emissions Form
- Documents of ownership (bill of sale, transfer on title or registration, etc.)
- Physical Inspection of a Vehicle or Watercraft - State Form 39530. A law enforcement official of any state may fill out this form.
- Odometer Disclosure Statement - State Form 43230 containing original signatures and printed names of both the seller and the purchaser. Any version of this form that meets the Federal Odometer Statement requirements will be acceptable.
- Application For Certificate of Title For A Vehicle - State Form 205
Once you have all of these documents, you may apply for an Indiana title at a branch.