Welcome to the Indiana Commission on Court Appointed Attorneys Website!
Since 1989, the Indiana Commission on Court Appointed Attorneys (CCAA) has served to create standards for public defense services in Indiana Counties or Regional Systems that choose to uphold those standards in exchange for a partial reimbursement of county expenses in non-capital cases. The Commission also provides standards and partial reimbursement to all counties in capital (death penalty) cases and Federal Title 4-E Funding to ALL counties that request funding.
The Commission is an independent, judicial branch state agency of Indiana's state government.
There are three separate state agencies that provide support to Indiana's locally-based public defense services. The agencies and their primary duties are listed below.
News & Announcements:
2025 Reimbursement Request Due Dates & Commission Meeting Dates:
Quarter | Reimbursement Request Due Date | Commission Meeting Date |
4Q2024 | February 14 | March 26 |
1Q2025 | May 15 | June 18 |
2Q2025 | August 14 | September 24 |
3Q2025 | November 14 | December 17 |
Commission meetings begin at 2 p.m. Eastern and comply with the Indiana Open Door Law (IC § 5-14-1.5). Meetings are held at the Commission Office (101 West Ohio Street, Suite 1800, Indianapolis, IN, 46204) unless otherwise stated on the meeting notice and agenda. The public is invited to attend in person or via electronic means permitted under IC § 5-14-1.5-3.6 excluding any Executive Sessions that may be scheduled as permitted under IC § 5-14-1.5-6.1. To view the Commission’s Electronic Meeting Policy, click HERE.