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Sexual Assault Victim Assistance Fund

Program Overview



Technical Assistance


Sexual Assault Victim Assistance Fund Grant

Grant Status Closed

Funded by the Indiana General Assembly, the Sexual Assault Victim Assistance Fund (SAVAF) program aims to provide a comprehensive statewide response for victims of sexual assault. Funding is awarded to: (1) establish and maintain rape crisis centers, (2) enhance services provided by existing rape crisis centers, and (3) develop, implement, and expand trauma-informed sexual assault services.

Allowable Activities

Allowable activities and costs are those that support the operations and services delivered to victims of sexual assault statewide. These activities include:

  • 24-hour crisis line and 24-hour on-call advocate to respond onsite to hospitals and other locations where a victim presents.
  • Direct services to victims including informational and referral services, advocacy, legal advocacy, and case management.
  • Counseling or therapy services for victims including support groups.
  • Emergency flexible funding for victims including emergency transportation, shelter, clothing, and food. Note: Funds may not be used as a direct payment to any victim, thus the sexual assault program would have to pay the cost directly to a third-party vendor. Subrecipients should have an established policy in place to make these funds available to all program participants; to ensure these funds meet a reasonable, basic need.
  • Expenses associated with providing services to victims including travel, phones, interpretation, equipment, printing of materials, and training costs.
  • Overtime for grant funded staff is an allowable cost, but to claim the increased rate, there must a separate line item in the budget that includes the overtime rate of pay

Eligible Entities

Public social service entities, nonprofits and nongovernmental organizations that provide services to victims of sexual assault may apply for funding.

If selected, SAVAF grantees must protect the privacy and confidentiality of those being provided services and adhere to all of the requirements outlined in the request for proposal.

SAVAF is a reimbursement-based grant.

The award period for this grant cycle is from January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2025.

The priority area of funding is to establish and maintain rape crisis centers that are providing trauma informed sexual assault services and are meeting the components of a rape crisis center.

Administrative costs are an allowable expense but are limited to 10% of the total grant funded budget. Administrative costs include including time to complete SAVAF required time and attendance sheets and programmatic documentation, reports, and required statistics; and administrative time to collect and maintain satisfaction surveys and needs assessments used to improve services delivery within the SAVAF funded project.

For purposes of this solicitation, please be cognizant of the following definitions:

  • “Rape crisis center" means an organization that provides a full continuum of services, including hotlines, victim advocacy, and support services from the onset of the need for services through the completion of healing, to victims of sexual assault. Core components of a rape crisis center include the following:

  • 24-Hour Rape Crisis Hotline: A telephone service available on a 24-hour basis to connect victim/secondary victims of sexual violence to a trained advocate.

  • 24 hour On-Call Advocate who will go on-site to the hospital for victims of sexual assault: An immediately available 24-hour personal response provided by a trained advocate with the goal of helping victims/secondary victims navigate the medical/healthcare system by ensuring that they receive appropriate and accurate information and resources to make decisions about their healthcare needs.

  • Criminal Justice/Legal Advocacy for victims of sexual assault: Individuals acting on behalf of and in support of the victim/secondary victim navigating the legal system by ensuring that the victim’s questions are answered, interests are represented, and rights are upheld. This includes attending court with the victim for support if requested by the victim, attending meetings/appointments, etc.

  • Information and Referrals for victims of sexual assault: Providing timely, relevant contact information to a victim/secondary victim for community resources that address the need(s) of the victims that your agency is not equipped to effectively address, which may include professional therapy, legal services, or services indirectly related to sexual violence.

  • System Coordination, Collaboration, and Case Management for victims of sexual assault: Developing and maintaining professional partnerships with service providers, organizations, and groups in the community that serve or otherwise impact victims. Partnerships may be formal or informal and are necessary to ensure a victim’s access to a variety of both core and enhanced services available in the community.

  • Community Awareness and Outreach for sexual assault: Providing accurate information about sexual violence and individual, organizational, and societal strategies that promote the elimination of sexual violence in the community; and ensuring the community is aware of your agency, its services, and how to access those services.

  • Support Groups for victims of sexual assault: Victim and/or secondary victims meeting in a safe, supportive, non-judgmental environment on a regularly scheduled basis to share information, relate personal experiences, share coping strategies and techniques for problem solving, listen to and accept others’ experiences and feelings resulting from sexual violence victimization, and provide support through the healing process.

  • Professional Counseling or Therapy for victims of sexual assault (recommended and encouraged but may be referred out): A professional relationship between a qualified, licensed professional and a client (individual, family, or group) that utilizes therapeutic modalities to aid in the healing process.

  • Prevention Education (recommended and encouraged): Culturally appropriate, structured activities/strategies implemented in a variety of settings that promote primary prevention and address the root causes of sexual violence.

  • Trauma Informed Sexual Assault Services: Victim centered care, acute medical care, or forensic medical services that address the physical, psychological, and emotional needs of sexual assault victims for the duration of their life span. Trauma informed sexual assault services address the physical, psychological, and emotional needs of sexual assault victims for the duration of their lifespan.

  • Victim Advocacy: The practice of supporting and assisting a victim to define needs, explore options, and ensure rights are respected within any system with which the victim interacts.

The following budget items listed below are ineligible and will not be supported by this program’s funding:

  • Direct financial assistance to a client such as cash or gift cards.

  • Food and beverages except emergency food and beverage for victims.

  • Lobbying.

  • Fundraising (including financial campaigns, endowment drives, solicitation of gifts and bequests, and similar expenses incurred solely to raise capital or obtain contributions) and time spent procuring funding including completing federal and state funding applications.

  • Purchase of real estate.

  • Construction and physical modification to buildings, including minor renovations (such as painting or carpeting).

  • Purchase of vehicles.

  • Indirect cost rate and/or de minimis rate.


In this webinar, ICJI’s Victim Services Division discussed the 2024 Sexual Assault Victim Assistance Fund (SAVAF) Grant/RFP, important features of the program and how to apply in IntelliGrants. Follow along with the PowerPoint linked below.


TRAINING HUB: For additional webinars on topics ranging from grant writing tips to filling out the Subgrantee Basic Budget form, click here.


Subrecipients are required to submit programmatic reports based on their specified timeline. To submit a report via IntelliGrants, click the link below.


Technical Assistance

For technical assistance with submitting an application, contact the ICJI Helpdesk, which is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET, except state holidays. ICJI is not responsible for technical issues with grant submission within 48 hours of grant deadline.

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SAVAF Funding Breakdown

As the State Administering Agency, the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute is responsible for administering SAVAF funds. Click the link below to see where the funding goes, who is being served and what services are being delivered. This dashboard reflects quarterly program report data as entered by subgrantees and may contain duplicated victim counts.
