
Main Content


Publishing the Entire Site

If you add an item to or change a link name in the left navigation of your site, you will require a full site publish outlined below.

Most content updates require the user to publish only the page containing the changes. These changes include text changes, files updates, and images. The process for single page publication is outlined here.

  1. Finish making the change(s)
  2. Navigate to the Agency’s front page
  3. Select the Tasks button on the RedDot menu View Screenshot
  4. The Select Tasks Menu opens View Screenshot
  5. Select the # Edit Pages link, the number will vary with the amount of changes made across the site
  6. The Search Results Menu opens View Screenshot
  7. Select the modified elements to publish
  8. Select the Submit Selected Pages to Workflow button.
  9. Select Open Foundation Page Controls
  10. Select the Actions link on the top menu View Screenshot
  11. The Page Actions Menu opens View Screenshot
  12. Select the Publish Page link
  13. The Publication Menu opens View Screenshot
  14. Select Publish all following pages, and Publish related pages
  16. Select OK
  17. When the publication is finished, you will receive an email. Do not attempt to republish the page until you receive confirmation the first publish has completed. (You may need to check you junk folder for this email)

Please Note:

  • If you see Submit to Workflow, and the page doesn't let you publish. This is because your agency has a workflow and the page will need to be approved for publish.
  • In the publication dialog you have the option of publishing your changes to either test or production. You can select only test if you wish to review you page prior to making it live.
  • If you have already published your changes to test, you can uncheck the option "HTML_APACHE_TEST" in the dialog box
  • If you show errors in your publication report email and your changes DO NOT show on the live site, please submit a request here including the errors from your email.