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Filing Fees & Costs


Effective July 1st, 2017.

(Fees are typically revised on July 1st each year)

Civil CollectionCC$157.00
Civil PlenaryPL$157.00
Civil TortCT$157.00
Divorce with ChildrenDC$177.00
Divorce without ChildrenDN$177.00
Estate – Supervised or Unsupervised AdministrationES or EU$177.00
Estate – MiscellaneousEM$177.00
Expungement - ConvictionXP$157.00 
Expungement - No ConvictionXP No Charge 
Juvenile Paternity (Public if filed after 7/1/2014)JP$196.00
Miscellaneous CivilMI$157.00
Mortgage ForeclosureMF$157.00
Order for ProtectionPONo Charge
Small Claim or Eviction (Paper Filing)SC / EV$97.00
Small Claim or Eviction (Electronic Filing)SC / EV$87.00
Change of Venue/Transfer to Indiana CountySame as Cost to File New Case
Civil and Small Claims Actions:  The filing fees above reflect the amount for one named Defendant. A $10.00 service fee shall be collected for EACH additional Defendant that is named or added. A $10.00 garnishee service fee shall be collected for each Garnishee Defendant that is named or added in EXCESS of THREE (3). This fee is not collected for documents that are electronically filed with the court.
Service by Sheriff: A $28.00 service of process fee shall be collected one time per case BEFORE JUDGMENT. A $28.00 service of process fee shall be collected one time per case AFTER JUDGMENT. A $60.00 fee shall be collected for non-Indiana cases in which service of process by Sheriff is requested. 
Service by Certified or Registered Mail: The filing fees include the cost of servicing the other party at the time of the initial mailing. All other mailings must be completed by the filer.