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Pie Chart illustrating types of calls JLAP receives: 31% are issues of mental health; 30% situational stressors; 24% substance use; 6% practice management issues; 5% for health, aging and retirement; and 4% for other questions.

The practice of law is meaningful and rewarding, but at times it can also be stressful and overwhelming. Over the course of their careers, lawyers face challenges in their personal and professional lives that can impact their mental health and well-being. You don’t have to face these challenges alone. JLAP provides confidential, compassionate support to all judges, lawyers, and law students by promoting well-being, improving lives, fostering connection, and thereby elevating the competence of our profession.

The research is clear: lawyers experience depression and substance use disorders at a rate significantly higher than the general population. Yet experience has shown that lawyers tend to be more reluctant than others to seek help for their own problems. Seeking and accepting help is an act of courage. JLAP is here to provide confidential assistance to judges, lawyers, and law students who may encounter these and other issues that could interfere with their ability to practice in a professional and competent manner.

When lawyers don’t care for their mental well-being, we can’t do our best for our clients and we can’t be the person we want to be for our community and family. Are you feeling stressed or overwhelmed? Caregiving or grieving? Maybe you are concerned for someone else. Don’t wait; help and support are available now.  Please explore this website, read about JLAP's obligation to confidentiality, and then contact JLAP for further information or assistance. Your call is confidential and our services are free.

For historical information about JLAP, please visit the Supreme Court's webpage with links to annual reports.
For more information about Lawyer Assistance Programs, please visit the ABA Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs (COLAP) website.


JLAP logoBecause of the sensitive nature of mental health and substance use issues, law students, attorneys, or judges who need help—or want to assist someone else who might need help—are often reluctant to seek assistance. Recognizing this concern, and in order to foster early and confidential contact, the Indiana Supreme Court authorized the creation of JLAP with the passage of Rule 31 of the Indiana Rules on Admission to the Bar and Discipline of Attorneys.

All contact with JLAP is confidential under Admission and Discipline Rule 31 §9 and Rules of Professional Conduct 8.3 (c).

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