All local education authorities (LEAs) participating in the National School Breakfast and National School Lunch Programs must be in compliance with the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act (HHFKA) meal pattern in order to receive the additional reimbursement (currently $0.08) for lunches served. The additional funds are awarded at the sponsor level, but each site under the sponsorship must demonstrate daily and weekly meal component compliance and nutrient assessment for each specific grade group it serves. LEAs are required to demonstrate through a USDA approved certification tool that the meal pattern requirements are met. Meal pattern requirements include required daily and weekly serving amounts of all components as well as assessment of the dietary specifications (calories, saturated fat, and sodium).New sponsor menus will be certified prior to being approved for meal claiming. Ongoing demonstration of compliance will be identified during Administrative Reviews of USDA Child Nutrition Programs.
FNS Offers Additional Flexibility to Assess Compliance with Weekly Ranges
- Meat and Grain Weekly Maximums for lunch and breakfast have been permanently lifted.
- Two varieties of milk must be offered. Milk can be offered as flavored or unflavored with fat free or 1% milk fat content. When flavored milk is offered, unflavored milk must also be offered.
- At least 80% of the weekly grains offered to meet the grain component must be whole grain rich.
- Creditable dessert grains are limited to 2 ounces per week at lunch.
- Target 1a sodium levels remain in effect for the 2023-2024 school year.
- Regardless of flexibilities, calories, saturated fat, and sodium levels must still be met for specific grade groups.
Marcia Yurczyk, Assistant Director - School and Summer Monitoring Programs
Phone: (317) 232-0852 | Email: