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Offer Versus Serve

Offer Versus Serve  is required for grades 9-12 students at lunch, and optional for grades K-8 at lunch and K-12 at breakfast.
Offer Versus Serve Fact Sheet: Lunch
Offer Versus Serve Fact Sheet: Breakfast
Offer Versus Serve (OvS) is a meal service method designed to reduce food waste and food costs in the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program without jeopardizing the nutritional integrity of the meals served.

At lunch, schools must offer all five components (fruit, vegetables, grains, meat/meat alternates, fluid milk) and students must select at least three components, one of which is 1/2 cup fruit and/or vegetable.

At breakfast, schools must offer at least four food items from the three required components (fruit, grains and/or meat/meat alternates, fluid milk) and students must select at least three food items, one of which is 1/2 cup fruit and/or vegetable.

Students should always be allowed to take all of the components in the full portion sizes if they choose. For more information about OvS check out the fact sheets linked above.