High School Assessments
Indiana provides a variety of assessments intended to support high school students and measure student progress. Some assessments may impact graduation requirements. More information regarding graduation requirements may be found on the Indiana Department of Education’s (IDOE’s) Graduation Pathways webpage.
High School Assessment Timeline
ILEARN or I AM Biology is federally required to be completed in the semester or trimester that the student completes the biology course or biology content connectors. Out-of-state transfer students who have not yet taken their previous state’s high school science accountability assessment must complete ILEARN Biology. The I AM alternate assessment is federally required to be completed in grade 10. The Indiana SAT is used as Indiana’s federal high school accountability assessment for students in grade 11 that fall within their junior year cohort. The naturalization examination is required under state law for public schools in the semester or trimester that the student completes the U.S. government course. This legislation also requires that results be shared and posted. The ILEARN U.S. Government is an optional assessment offered in the spring after the student completes the U.S. government course. The PSAT/NMSQT is another optional assessment for grade 10 and 11 students.
Indiana SAT
Indiana will use College Board’s SAT to fulfill requirements pursuant to Indiana Code 20-32-5.1-7(d) for high school accountability. Students may also use scores to fulfill some high school graduation requirements. SAT assesses high school mathematics, reading, and writing standards in grade 11.
The Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) is a standardized assessment administered by College Board and co-sponsored by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) in the United States. The State of Indiana provides funds (as appropriated in HEA 1001 [2021]) to measure students’ college- and career-readiness, indicate student academic strengths and challenges, and provide additional support to students (I.C. 20-32-9-3). The PSAT/NMSQT may be administered to students in grade 10 and/or grade 11 for this purpose.
- PSAT/NMSQT 2024-2025 Milestones
- PSAT/NMSQT Fall 2024 Administration Funding Memo
- PSAT/NMSQT College Board Webpage
- Preparing for the PSAT/NMSQT
- College Board Indiana Resources Google Drive
ILEARN Biology End-of-Course Assessment (ECA) & Optional U.S. Government ECA
Information regarding the ILEARN Biology End-of-Course Assessment (ECA) and U.S. Government ECA for high school students can be found on IDOE’s ILEARN webpage.
Naturalization Examination
Indiana Code 20-30-5-7 requires public Indiana high schools to administer the naturalization examination, provided by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), to each student enrolled in a U.S. Government course where credit is awarded for General, Core 40, Core 40 with Academic Honors, or Core 40 with Technical Honors designation. Further information regarding administering and reporting this naturalization examination is available in this memo.
For general assistance regarding statewide assessments, please contact IDOE’s Office of Student Assessment via email at INassessments@doe.in.gov or phone at (317) 232-9050.