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Substance Misuse Prevention

Why is Substance Misuse Prevention and Education Important?

According to the latest Indiana Youth Institute Kid Count Report:

  • 15.2% of Indiana high school students reported that they used a drug other than alcohol or tobacco in the past month, and 6.0% used a drug other than alcohol, tobacco, or marijuana.
  • 9 in 10 Indiana high school students (90.0%) say their family has clear rules about drug and alcohol use.
  • 13.0% of Indiana teens ages 14 and older say they use alcohol or drugs to relax, feel better about themselves, or fit in.
  • 28.5% of Indiana teens ages 14 and older say they have ever ridden in a car driven by someone, including themselves, that was high or had been using alcohol.

IYI Data book can be found at 2024 Indiana Youth Institute Databook

Curriculum / Programs

Four identified evidence-based prevention curricula

These four curriculums are recommended for grades K-6 (7-8 depending on lesson) and have not shown to be effective at the high school level.

Is there another evidence-based program that you think should be added to this list?  Email Jason Murrey, Prevention Specialist, at  In order for the program to be added to the list, you will have to provide clinical data that shows the program is effective.

Recommended High School Programs

Operation Prevention

Created in collaboration with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and Discovery Education, Operation Prevention is an award-winning educational program dedicated to preventing opioid misuse among elementary, middle, and high school students nationwide.

Resources are translated in both English and Spanish on the website listed above.

Overdose Lifeline

This is Not About Drugs (TINAD) is the first youth-focused educational program addressing the opioid health crisis. It is a universal program addressing youth substance misuse with an emphasis on prescription opioids. The brief intervention is a complement to evidence-based foundational programs such as Botvin Lifeskills and Too Good for Drugs.  COVID-19 and TINAD: This is Not About Drugs easily adapts to remote learning settings. Allowing TINAD trainers/facilitators to deliver the program via web meeting applications such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, etc.

Tobacco / Vaping

Youth Intervention (Alternatives to Suspension)



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