Guidance Materials
- Project ADAM – website containing sample signage, checklists, policy statements, response plans, and drills for developing a School AED Program
Information Sheets
Per IC 20-34-8, fact sheets must be given to the student and the parent, and both the student and the parent must sign and return a form acknowledging the receipt of the information to the student’s coach or band leader. Schools should develop a policy regarding distribution of these forms through printed or electronic means, obtaining electronic or written signatures, and the process for monitoring the completion and returning of forms.
- Sudden Cardiac Arrest Fact Sheet for Students
- Sudden Cardiac Arrest Fact Sheet for Students - Spanish
- Sudden Cardiac Arrest Fact Sheet for Parents
- Sudden Cardiac Arrest Fact Sheet for Parents - Spanish
- Sudden Cardiac Arrest Parent and Student Acknowledgement and Signature Form
- Sudden Cardiac Arrest Parent and Student Acknowledgement and Signature Form - Spanish
Return to Participation Protocols
As part of a school policy, schools should develop procedures regarding return to participation protocols for students exhibiting symptoms of sudden cardiac arrest. Once schools develop these procedures, the following sample forms may be used.
- Sample Suspected Sudden Cardiac Arrest Symptoms Documentation Sheet for Schools
- Sample Sudden Cardiac Arrest Release to Play Form for Parents
- Sample Sudden Cardiac Arrest Release to Play Form for Parents - Spanish
Training Options for Coaches, Band, Drama, and Music Leaders
Per IC 20-34-8, head coaches, assistant coaches for interscholastic sports (including cheerleading), and band, drama, and music leaders are required to complete SCA and AED training. School personnel may choose either an online or in-person option for meeting this requirement.
Online Option (coach or leader must complete both the SCA course and view the AED video)
In-Person Option (coach or leader must complete CPR/AED certification)
AED Grant Funding
A school corporation, a charter school, a state accredited nonpublic school (as defined in IC 20-18-2-18.7), or an accredited nonpublic school (as defined in IC 10-21-1-1) may apply for a grant under IC 10-21-1-2(a)(1)(C)(viii) to purchase an automated external defibrillator (AED) if the school corporation, charter school, state accredited nonpublic school or accredited nonpublic school develops a venue specific emergency action plan for sudden cardiac arrest.