Introduction to Staff Training
School Employee Training
One of the key components of P.L. 285-2013 is for school administrators to train all employees and volunteers who have ongoing contact with students regarding the school corporation's bully prevention and intervention policy. The legislation states:
Sec. 34.2. A school corporation shall provide training to the school corporation's employees and volunteers who have direct, ongoing contact with students concerning the school's bullying prevention and reporting policy adopted under IC 20-33-8-13.5.
It is important for school employees and volunteers to understand accurate definitions of bullying and school procedures, timetables and expectations for the in-school reporting of observed bullying incidents. Increased employee and volunteer awareness will allow for compliance with the section of P.L. 285-2013 that call for school policy to include
Sec. 13.5(iv) timetables for reporting of bullying incidents to school counselors, school administrators, the superintendent, or law enforcement, if it is determined that reporting the bullying incident to law enforcement is necessary
Sec. 13.5(v) discipline provisions for teachers, school staff, or school administrators who fail to initiate or conduct an investigation of a bullying incident
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