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Intrastate Operating Authority: Passengers & Household Goods

If you receive money to transport passengers or household goods within Indiana, you must apply for Indiana Operating Authority. The three types of Indiana operating authorities are:

Permanent Authority (PERM): If you apply for a PERM only, do not file a Form E Indiana (insurance) filing until after your authority is approved. This authority will be permanent and will take approximately 70 to 180 days to process.

Temporary Authority (TA): You must file all the documents listed below before the process can begin. You must file the PERM application at the same time. This authority will be good for 180 days and will take approximately 30 to 60 days to process.

Emergency Temporary Authority (ETA): You must file all the documents listed below before the process can begin. You must file the TA and PERM applications at the same time. This authority will be good for 30 days and will take approximately 15 business days to process.

Applicants must be able to prove an urgent need for transportation before applying for ETA.

Indiana Operating Authority Application Requirements

Permanent Authority Temporary Authority Emergency Temporary
Tariff Rates Tariff Rates Tariff Rates
Insurance Form: E Insurance Form: E Insurance Form: E
Filing Fee $180 (due upon approval of application) Filing Fee $100 (due upon approval of application)Filing Fee $100 (due upon approval of application)

For-hire carriers who cross state lines must apply for a Motor Carrier (MC) number (search for form OP-1(P) for passengers or form OP-1 for property and household goods). Processing takes 45 to 60 days.

All incomplete applications for passenger and household goods will be returned. If there are any issues once we receive the complete application, we will return the application for corrections. Once corrections have been made, return the entire completed and corrected application.

Passenger and Household Goods: New Customer Packet

Navigate the Intrastate Operating Authority application

See the Household Goods Program Protect Your Move