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VA Federal Benefits for Veterans, Dependents, Survivors, and Caregivers 2023 Edition

Letters for State Benefit Applications

Applications completed by CVSOs should be accompanied by the appropriate letter when returned to the veteran. This is to ensure the veteran has the notification of eligibility or the reason they are not eligible for the benefit. This also contains additional information for the next step to obtain the benefit and/or other information pertinent to the benefit. CVSOs please feel free to put your contact information on these letters so your veterans can contact you directly with questions or concerns.

CVSOs please feel free to download these letters and add your office contact information:

Property Tax Deduction Eligible
Property Tax Deduction NOT Eligible
Disabled Hoosier Veteran License Plate Eligible
Doctor Letter for DHV Plate (if needed)
Purple Heart License Plate Eligible
EX POW License Plate Eligible
Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal License Plate Eligible

Specialty License Plate NOT Eligible (PH, DHV, or EX POW)

Annual CVSO Training Conference:

Scheduled for June 23 & 24 2025

Indiana War Memorial:  55 E Michigan Street, Indianapolis, IN 46204

Planning has begun for the conference.  The Schedule will be uploaded here once it is complete.

All Parking this year will be at the north lot of the Scottish Rite Cathedral directly across from the Indiana Veteran Center at 777 N Meridian Street.

We have 60 Spaces get with your District Service Officer to reserve your space.

2024 Presentations & Handouts:

Outreach/ Governor's Challenge Briefing

VA Regional Office Briefing

Higher Level Review Briefing
HLR Examples


National Booklet Medical Foster Home

VA Health Care Enrollment and Eligibility


If you are a new service officer you may contact your District Service Officer (DSO) to set up a time to meet and begin your training.  If you do not yet know who your DSO is please contact Tim or Phil at the IDVA main office at 317-232-3910.  One of the first things you will need to do is self enroll and begin T.R.I.P Training. Your District Service Officer will assist you as you progress through this training as needed and assist you in applying for Service Organization Accreditation after you complete and pass the final examination.

T.R.I.P. Training  is required for accreditation and should be taken by all CVSOs annually.

You can self register for Training Responsibility in Preparation of Claims (T.R.I.P) Training by clicking HERE
You can also use the same link to log on to continue the training once you have registered.

  • You must complete all the modules and pass with a score of 80% or greater
  • You have three attempts to pass the final comprehensive assessment.
  • After the third attempt you will need to be unlocked to retake the assessment

    To print the certificate of completion, go to completed courses and there is a button for the certificate on the Final Assessment lesson.

    The system will generate the certificate and you will then click on the link and download it to your computer. Once it is downloaded, you can open the file and print it.

American Legion Accreditation Application

Contacts and other information in the accreditation process are below.

For complete details on what your need to submit for accreditation through the NACVSO and cross accreditation with the AMVETS, DAV, or the  MOPH visit the NACVSO web site at,  log in, and click on NSD & Accreditation link listed under Site Content. In order to obtain NACVSO accreditation you must be a member, attend the training seminar, and pass the examination.

Quick Reference Sheet for State Benefits Application instructions with Links to the Indiana Code click HERE

CVSOs please inform applicants applying for Tuition and Fee Exemption to apply on line using Scholar Track. Students can create an account and an apply at after November 1, 2017 IDVA will no longer accept paper applications.  Applicants must upload proof of relationship to the veteran (birth Certificate OR adoption paperwork).  If available, also upload the discharge DD214 AND the award of service connected disability rating from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. If these documents are not available, IDVA will request this information from the VA Regional Office in Indianapolis.  Please note the VA does not always list each period of active duty service and this request may take a week or more to process.

Survivor Benefit Plan Presentation click HERE to View

View /download the Geographic Distribution of Expenditures (GDX) Reports Below

National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics

CVSO Instructions for D2D claims through American Legion POA
The American Legion is the only VSO currently processing D2D claims through VetraSpec.

Handy Information and Links

USDVA Information Videos

USDVA Claims Reports

National Resource Directory

Service Officer Code of Ethics

eBenefits 101

Search VA Forms Website

American Legion Code of Procedures FINAL June 2022

Office of General Counsel (OGC) accreditation search  
OEF OIF Honor Roll

CVSOs if you have something you would like to add to this section please e-mail it to

IDVA Fax number: 317-232-7721