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Refugee Services

Indiana Refugee Services provides assistance and services to refugees, asylees, certain Amerasian, Afghan, and Ukrainian immigrants, Cuban and Haitian entrants, and victims of human trafficking (referred to collectively as “refugees”). Indiana Refugee Services monitors program planning, provision of services, and provides technical assistance to ensure compliance with federal and state regulations governing the delivery of refugee assistance and services, including cash and medical assistance.

The link to apply for cash and medical benefits for qualifying refugee status individuals living in Indiana is:

Benefits Portal (

Indiana Refugee Services ensures that refugees are provided assistance and services through state-administered programs that enable them to become employed and economically self-sufficient as soon as possible after their arrival in the United States.

The Indiana Refugee Services program coordinators can be contacted at the following numbers:

Information regarding the Indiana Refugee Health program can be found at:

or by contacting the Indiana Refugee Health Coordinator at 317-234-7252

Afghan Placement and Assistance and United for Ukraine Programs

In response to recent humanitarian evacuations, Indiana Refugee Services works in support of the Afghan Placement and Assistance, and United for Ukraine federal programs

Through information sharing and our ongoing partnerships within the state, Indiana Refugee Services supports refugee resettlement agencies, private sponsors, and sponsor circle groups within Indiana for evacuees qualifying for these programs. Indiana Refugee Services will work with these resettlement agencies to provide refugee assistance and services, including cash and medical assistance.

Afghan Assistance Resources | The Administration for Children and Families (

Benefits for Ukrainian Humanitarian Parolees | The Administration for Children and Families (

Resettlement Agency Support

Indiana’s refugee resettlement agencies have provided the following additional information about how Hoosiers can support their efforts:

Exodus Refugee Immigration Inc. (Indianapolis)

  • Donations can be made online at or can be mailed to the Exodus office at the below address.
    Exodus Refugee Immigration
    2457 E Washington St., Suite A
    Indianapolis, IN 46201
  • One of the easiest ways to donate household items is by using this Amazon Wish List. Exodus can also accept new and gently used household items, including the items currently listed on our website.
    *Items may be dropped off at the Exodus office from Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Catholic Charities - Refugee & Immigrant Services (Indianapolis)

Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend (Fort Wayne)

God is Good Foundation (Evansville)

  • Financial donations can be made online at or can be mailed to the address below
    God Is Good Foundation
    900 S. Barker Ave
    Evansville, IN 47712
  • New and very gently used household items can be donated Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - Noon. Appointments required. Please call 812-490-3184
  • Volunteer opportunities can be found online at