Over the past two years, First Steps has been working to update its child find and referral system in order to develop a more consistent statewide network. As part of this work, First Steps found it important to refresh its brand. The First Steps team is very excited to unveil their new logo! The previous First Steps logo has been around for nearly three decades and, while there are many fond feelings for it, the team recognized that it was time to modernize their brand to align with First Steps’ mission, vision and values.
First Steps is a statewide program, hence the outline of the state and the blue and yellow colors used. But more importantly, the adults and young child in the center represent the fact families are at the center of everything that they do. This aligns with the First Steps’ mission: to empower Hoosier families whose young children are experiencing developmental delays by supporting them and connecting them to the resources they need to promote their child’s development.