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Announcing: Get IN the Picture

By the Indiana Geographic Information Office - January 29, 2025

You are invited to Get IN the Picture! Join us in participating in an opportunity to create a landmark that will be captured in Indiana's 2025-2027 aerial imagery. This is a chance to showcase your creativity, represent your community or organization, and be part of an official ortho-photography project! Visit this website to learn more about and sign up for this program!

Images will be collected starting February 14, 2025, beginning in south-central Indiana, and finishing in north-central Indiana by late spring. In 2026, the eastern third of the state will be photographed, followed by the western third in 2027.

Ideas for projects include:

  • Large-format U.S. or world maps
  • Enlarged organization logos or mascots
  • Enlarged abstract art
  • Be creative!

For more information, please visit the Get IN the Picture website, where you can find additional resources and can sign up to participate. Organizations of all kinds are invited to participate! More information and resources will be added to the website as we get closer to the flight date, and participants can stay updated by signing up for our email list on the website. For inquiries or if you have questions, please email

Please feel free to distribute this information throughout your organization, and we look forward to your participation!