A hospital is an institution, a place, a building, or an agency that holds out to the general public that it is operated for hospital purposes and that it provides care, accommodations, facilities, and equipment, in connection with the services of a physician, to individuals who may need medical or surgical services. Any facility that meets the definition of a hospital found in IC 16-18-2-179 must be licensed by the Indiana Department of Health (IDOH).
The IDOH monitors the health care quality of hospitals through the licensure process; IDOH surveyors visit hospitals regularly for licensure inspections or more often if complaints are filed about a hospital.
Report a Complaint or Incident
Report a complaint regarding a health care facility
Individuals can call or email to make complaints about care provided at any licensed or certified Indiana health care providers or suppliers.
Report an incident regarding a health care facility
The Incident Report Form is for health care facilities to notify the Indiana Department of Health of a reportable incident pursuant to the IDOH Reportable Unusual Occurrence Policy. The Incident Report Form is also for health care facility staff (nursing homes, intermediate care facilities, and hospice agencies) to report a reasonable suspicion of a crime against a resident pursuant to Federal regulations. This form is not to be used to file a complaint.
Advisory Letters
Adding an offsite
To add an offsite to your hospital license, please submit the following documents to Program Director Jennifer Hembree.
- Request on facility letterhead to add the offsite with the effective date
- Indiana Department of Health healthcare engineering approval letter for the project
- AIA substantial completion document
- Homeland Security Construction Design release document (if a new building or changing occupancy type such as business to healthcare)
- Fire inspection (this must be from the state or local fire department)
Contact the Program
Indiana Department of Health Division of Acute Care 2 North Meridian Street, 4A Indianapolis, IN 46204 | Program Manager Jennifer Hembree Jhembree@health.IN.gov |
Acute Care Receptionist: 317-233-7474 IDOH Main Switchboard: 317-233-1325 |
317-232-3095 Administrative Assistant: 317-233-7472 |