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Mission & Vision


To promote, protect, and improve the health and safety of all Hoosiers.


Every Hoosier reaches optimal health regardless of where they live, learn, work, or play.

Strategic Plan (2021-2025)

2021-2025 Indiana Department of Health Strategic Plan | 2021-2025 Strategic Plan Summary

Indiana State Health Assessment & Improvement Plans (SHA-SHIP)

2022-2026 Indiana State Health Assessment & Improvement Plan | 2022-2026 SHA-SHIP Executive Summary

2022-2026 SHA-SHIP Key Performance Indicators:

2018-2021 State Health Assessment & Improvement Plan

Public Health Accreditation

The Indiana Department of Health was awarded accreditation by the Public Health Accreditation Board in June 2021.  To receive this designation, a health department must undergo a rigorous, multi-year, peer-reviewed process to show how it meets or exceeds a series of quality standards and measures. The standards and measures align with The 10 Essential Public Health Services.

State, local, and tribal health departments are eligible to be accredited through the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB). PHAB is a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing the continuous quality improvement, staff development and engagement, and customer-focused services. The Office of Public Health Performance Management coordinates IDOH's accreditation application and works with local health departments to provide technical assistance.

Learn more about the application process and the department's progress here.  As of March 2021, three Indiana local health departments have achieved accreditation: Montgomery County, Rush County, and Vanderburgh County.

PHAB accreditation seal