Carbapenemase Producing- Carbapenem Resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa
CP-CRPA Isolate Submission Guide
No cost for this testing.
- Organisms: Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates that are resistant to at least one carbapenem and non-susceptible to ceftazidime and cefepime and have not undergone carbapenemase testing, OR isolates that have screened positive for a carbapenemase using a phenotypic testing method* (mCIM, CarbaNP), OR isolates that test positive for a carbapenemase gene using molecular methods (KPC, NDM, VIM, IMP, OXA-48). Isolates do not need to be sent if less than one calendar year has passed since the last identical (same organism and same mechanism) isolate was sent for the patient.
- Carbapenem resistant isolates tested by Cepheid testing only should be submitted if no carbapenemase genes were detected due to the limitations of the Cepheid assay.
- Specimen type: Isolates
Isolate should be pure, viable, and cultured onto an organism-appropriate agar medium slant. - Only one (1) isolate per patient will be tested.
- Isolates should be submitted within three (3) business days of isolation per the IDOH Communicable Disease Rule 410-IAC 1-2.3-76.
- Sample Container: appropriate agar medium slant in a tube with the screwcap tightened or other similarly-approved commercial transport medium.
- Shipping boxes/containers with appropriate shipping labels commercially available.
- Properly label each isolate tube with a minimum of the patient’s name, date of birth, and isolation date.
- A minimum of two unique patient identifiers (i.e., first/last name, DOB, MRN) must be indicated on the isolate tube. Unique identifiers must match what is entered into LimsNet.
- Check the expiration date on the tube. Ensure the product is acceptable and will be acceptable upon receipt at the IDOH Laboratory.
- Complete LimsNet submission form for CRE testing. LimsNet is available at Users should call the LimsNet Help Desk for system access at 888-535-0011 or locally at 317-921-5506. Submitters may email the help desk at
For case consultation, contact IDOH Epidemiology at 317-233-1306.
Ship to:
Indiana Department of Health - Laboratory
Suite B, ARLN Microbiology
550 West 16th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202
- Package according to Category B UN3373 triple contained in accordance with federal shipping regulations for infectious substances/diagnostic specimens.
- Tighten the isolate container tube caps and secure with parafilm to ensure they arrive securely at IDOHL.
- Label clearly on each isolate tube with the patient’s name, date of birth, and isolation date.
- Wrap each labeled, container/tube with absorbent material. Place absorbent material into the inner mailing container of each primary tube and tighten the cap securely.
- The completed submission form may then be wrapped around the sealed inner container and together placed securely into the outer shipping container.
- Clearly label the outer container with the sender's name/address and the recipient's name/address.
- Do not send culture isolates on petri plates if submitting by mail.
- Transport Temperature: ambient conditions.
Reporting Method: LimsNet
TAT (IDOH Testing): 7 business days.
Test Referral: Isolates may be forwarded to CDC or a regional lab for additional testing. Projected TAT listed above does not account for the additional time required for forwarded isolates.