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Indiana law requires that any person who engages in lead-based paint activities must first obtain a license from IDOH for each activity. “Lead-based paint activities” means the inspection, risk assessment, and abatement of lead-based paint in targeted housing and child-occupied facilities and includes project design and supervision. Lead licensing information is found below.

To determine the appropriate regulations to follow, is the primary purpose of the work to permanently eliminate lead-based paint or lead-based paint hazards?

Abatement Information

Lead Abatement Notification and Monitoring

Indiana law states that companies or individuals who perform lead abatement on target housing (houses or child occupied facilities built before 1978) must:

  1. be licensed by IDOH as an abatement contractor,
  2. provide written notification to the IDOH of each abatement project,
  3. conduct a pre-abatement lead inspection or lead hazard screen,
  4. conduct abatement activities using appropriately licensed individuals,
  5. conduct the abatement activities using lead safe work practices, and
  6. pass a post-abatement clearance procedure.

This page explains the requirements for conducting abatement activities.

Non-Abatement Information

Non-abatement activity requirements

Indiana law requires the use of Lead Safe Work Practices in a number of work situations in which lead-based paint is likely to be hazardous. Although the requirements do not apply to every situation, the IDOH strongly recommends that, unless testing has concluded there is no lead paint present, anyone working on a pre-1978 home or child-occupied facility follow Lead Safe Work Practices to avoid dangerous lead hazards.

Frequently Asked Questions

Additional Information

Additional information is available by calling the IDOH Lead and Healthy Homes Program at 317.233.1250.

Detailed licensing regulations are available at  410 IAC 32-2 - Licensing

All state forms, including lead licensing forms, are available at the Indiana Commission on Public Records at:

Important Dates

Important Documents

Definitions Used by the Lead Program