Success Stories Archive - Central
- Health First Indiana
- Public Health in Action
- Current: Success Stories Archive - Central
Indiana has 95 local health departments across the state focused on improving Hoosier health and safety.
Here are a few ways public health is working to meet the needs of their communities:
Howard County
Food is Medicine
In October, Howard County Health Department (HCHD) launched their Food is Medicine program to support individuals at risk for or living with type 2 diabetes. The twelve-week initiative provides fresh produce, diabetes-friendly pantry staples and nutrition education to participants. Because of HFI funding, HCHD partnered with Purdue Extension to offer this program to the community.
The current cohort of the program has fifteen participants. Classes are located at HCHD because it is on a public transportation line. HCHD partners with Coordinated Assistance Ministries (CAM) to provide additional transportation services as needed.
Each week, a class facilitator conducts a cooking demonstration to show participants how to prepare diabetes-friendly meals. The Dining with Diabetes curriculum and Diabetes Education Empowerment Program (DEEP) curriculum are used. Both programs are evidence-based. Participants are given a binder that contains course materials, recipes and other resources.
At the midpoint session on Nov. 4, four participants reported having lost weight, one participant reported lower blood sugar readings and multiple participants reported increased confidence in speaking with healthcare providers about their health.
Morgan County
Mobile Integrated Health
Mobile integrated health (MIH) is a patient-centered model of care delivered in a patient’s home or a mobile environment. MIH providers visit patients in their homes or use telehealth platforms to assist with health screenings, treatments and follow-ups. Services can also include social work, substance
use recovery, mental health treatment referrals and chronic disease management. MIH is an innovative approach that integrates the Emergency Medical Services system into the public health system, reducing emergency room visits and decreasing overall healthcare costs.
Morgan County stakeholders recognize the need to provide patient care beyond and prior to 911 calls. Because of Health First Indiana funding, Morgan County Health Department (MCHD) is partnering with Morgan County EMS (MCEMS) to provide MIH services to their community. Morgan County MIH will deliver
comprehensive healthcare services to the community, including home visits, fall risk assessments, medication management, health education, non-emergency transportation, health system navigation, health screenings, chronic disease management, vaccinations and hospital discharge follow-ups.
Morgan County’s MIH program will coordinate resources among EMS, healthcare providers and in-home services to provide wraparound services and increase access to preventive health services.
Parke County
Life Jacket Distribution
On May 4, Parke County Health Department (PCHD) distributed 43 life jackets to children participating in the Fishing Derby at Rockville Lake. Because of Health First Indiana funding, PCHD raised awareness about water safety and injury prevention. “Ensuring the safety of our community members, especially children, is paramount”, says Natalie Cole, Parke County Health Department nurse. “By providing life jackets to young anglers at the Fishing Derby, we hope to instill good safety practices early on and reduce the risk of water-related injuries”.
As part of the ongoing Health First Indiana campaign, PCHD is focusing on trauma and injury prevention initiatives. “We believe that prevention is key to maintaining the health and wellbeing of our community”, says Cole. “By working together with partners like Rockville Lake, we can make significant strides in promoting safety and reducing the incidence of preventable injuries”.
View the full article here.
Hamilton County
Heart and Soul Clinic
Hamilton County Health Department has partnered with Heart and Soul Clinic, a free clinic that serves uninsured and underinsured individuals. Heart and Soul Clinic offers preventive health screenings, health education, non-emergency dental services and mental health services.
Heart and Soul Clinic recently served a Spanish-speaking woman who was diagnosed with diabetes. The patient has received medical care and diabetes education. Since her initial visit, the patient has lost 50 pounds. Because of HFI funding, Heart and Soul Clinic can provide individualized health education to patients regardless of their social, cultural and economic status.
Clay County
Billboard Competition
Clay County Health Department partnered with local elementary schools to host a billboard competition. Students were tasked with creating an illustration to promote tobacco prevention and cessation. Winners of the competition had their illustration displayed on billboards around the county.
Hendricks County
In 2010, Hendricks County Health Department invited community members, leaders and organizations to discuss local health issues. About 20 local health professionals met and officially formed the Hendricks County Health Partnership.
Since then, the Partnership has expanded to include more than 500 nurses, doctors, mental health professionals, educators, first responders, law enforcement, nonprofit organizations, and community volunteers. Partnership members serve on various committees that are designed to address local health concerns. Examples of committees include mental health, minority health, physical activity and substance use disorder.
The Partnership convenes monthly to address current health trends in Hendricks County. One of the Partnership’s most successful projects is the county-wide Community Health Assessment, which guides goals and strategies for improving health in Hendricks County. The Partnership continues to assess Hendricks County’s health metrics every three years.
The Partnership has been an invaluable asset for Hendricks County Health Department. Check out the website here.
Henry County
Vax-to-School Program
Henry County Health Department’s Vax-to-School Program has shown great success. During the COVID-19 pandemic, long-time public health nurse, Liz Vincent, and administrator Angela Cox noticed barriers to youth participation in local vaccine clinics. They acknowledged that students have busy schedules and scheduling immunization appointments can be challenging for parents and guardians.
To overcome barriers, Vincent and her team met with school nurses in each of the county’s five school districts. School nurses provided Vincent and her team with a list of students who did not have up-to-date vaccines. They phoned parents and guardians for approval, and upon approval, went to schools to vaccinate the students. Vincent says the phone call also allowed Henry County Health Department to make connections with parents and schedule follow-up appointments if necessary.
During the 2022-2023 school year, the Henry County Health Department made 92 visits to local schools with their local EMS team. They vaccinated 398 students and administered 819 vaccines total. Because of Vax-to-School, Henry County’s state vaccination rates exceeded the state’s vaccination rates for every category.
Madison County
Peer Recovery Program
In 2020, Madison County Health Department (MCHD) hired a peer recovery coach to support individuals with substance use disorder. A peer recovery coach brings the lived experience of recovery to assist others in initiating and maintaining recovery. Coaches offer referrals and help clients create a customized recovery plan. MCHD coaches follow clients through their recovery journey, whether it be at court appearances, incarceration settings or treatment facilities. The partnership between coach and client is individualized based on the client’s strengths, weaknesses and goals.
Peer recovery program participants praised the program, noting improved access to social support, better housing stability and more confidence navigating treatment. The program is now supported by the Health First Indiana (HFI) initiative. HFI provides Madison County Health Department with three more peer recovery coaches. The program’s expansion will allow coaches to address core public health services, including trauma and injury prevention, maternal and child health and linkage to clinical care. Expanding the program’s reach will provide the community with more advocates for substance use disorder, because at MCHD, no one fights alone.