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Tobacco and Vaping Prevention and Cessation

Communicable Disease Prevention and Control

Infectious Disease Surveillance and Prevention

Referrals to Clinic Care

Access to and Linkage to Clinical Care

Chronic Disease Prevention and Reduction

Chronic Disease Prevention

Childhood lead screenings and case management

Lead Case Management

Trauma and Injury Prevention and Education

Trauma and Injury Prevention

Food Protection

Food Protection

Fatality Review

Fatality Review

Maternal and Child Health

Maternal and Child Health

Student Health

School Health Liaison

Emergency Preparedness

Health-Related Areas during Emergencies/Disasters

Child and Adult Immunizations


Sanitary Inspection and Surveys of Public Buildings

Environmental Public Health

TB Control and Case Management

Tuberculosis Prevention and Case Management

Vital Records

Vital Records

  • PCHD provided 96 hygiene packs to two local schools.
  • PCHD partnered with Parke County Emergency Services to launch mobile integrated health (MIH). MIH services include preventive care and chronic disease management.

Tobacco and Vaping Prevention and Cessation

  • Partner with Mental Health America and school liaison to implement programming

Chronic Disease Prevention

  • Implement Know Your Numbers program in collaboration with Union Hospital

Trauma and Injury Prevention

  • Distribute life jackets and bicycle helmets; provide trauma and injury prevention education

Fatality Review

  • Provide certificates upon request; participate on the district fetal/infant mortality review team

Maternal and Child Health

  • Develop partnerships to improve birth outcomes

Tuberculosis Prevention and Case Management

  • Partner with other local health departments to identify resources and coordinate responses

Environmental Public Health

  • Develop a plan to address changes in code related to eyelash extension services

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