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Vehicle Maintenance Shops

New U.S. EPA National Compliance Initiative for 2020-2023

Stopping Aftermarket Defeat Devices for Vehicles and Engines

Illegally-modified vehicles and engines contribute substantial excess pollution that harms public health and impedes efforts by the U.S. EPA, tribes, states, and local agencies to plan for and attain air quality standards.

Vehicle Maintenance Shops

IDEM encourages business and industry of all types to implement pollution prevention and waste minimization practices, because protecting the health of Indiana citizens and the quality of our land, air and water is everyone's responsibility.

Most of these shops are small businesses—repair shops, dealerships, and brake or muffler repair shops. The compliance requirements for these shops depend on the number of people employed, the type of operations performed, the geographic location of the shop, and the type and volume of waste generated and stored on site.

Tampering is the removal, rendering inoperative, causing to be removed, or making less operative any motor vehicle emission control device, except for the purpose of motor vehicle disposal or salvage operations. Acts of tampering include removing a catalytic converter from a vehicle and installing a straight pipe, removing the inside of a catalytic converter ("cleaning" it out), removing an air pump or disabling an air pump by removing the air pump belt, or installing a non-standard thermostatic air cleaner.

The Compliance and Technical Assistance Program (CTAP) staff has worked with many vehicle maintenance shops since 1995 to help them understand and comply with applicable environmental regulations. CTAP is available to assist Indiana’s businesses engaged in stationary engines.  Contact CTAP using the CTAP Partner Portal to request help.  It will require setting up a free account through Access Indiana.

INSafe, a division of the Indiana Department of Labor, works with Indiana's employers, employees, labor unions, professional groups, trade organizations and others to ensure workplace health and safety. Free INSafe services include on-site consultation, group training and seminars, educational publications and training materials, along with pro-active voluntary health and safety programs designed to bring employers and employees together to create and maintain healthy working environments.

Online Resources

General Information:

Vehicle Tampering:

Motor Vehicle Air Conditioning:

Hazardous Waste:

Floor Drains:


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