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Table of Contents
- Office of Air Quality
- Office of Land Quality
- Office of Legal Counsel
- Office of Program Support
- Office of Water Quality
- Hoja Informativa en Español
Office of Air Quality
Air Compliance
- Agricultural Open Burning [PDF]
- Asbestos [PDF]
- Auto Refinishing Rule Changes [PDF]
- Grain Elevator Fugitive Dust Prevention - Best Practices [PDF]
- Indiana's Emission Credit Registry [PDF]
- Open Burning Rule - Fire Training [PDF]
- Outdoor Hydronic Heaters [PDF]
- Standards for Architectural and Industrial Maintenance (AIM) Coatings VOC Rule 326 IAC 8-14 [PDF]
- Standards for Consumer and Commercial Products (CCP) VOC Rule 326 IAC 8-15 [PDF]
Air Quality
Criteria Air Pollutants
- Carbon Monoxide (CO) [PDF]
- Lead (Pb) [PDF]
- Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) [PDF]
- Ozone (O3) [PDF]
- Particulate Matter (PM2.5 & PM10) [PDF]
- Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) [PDF]
- Recommended Actions for Ozone and Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Air Quality Action Days (AQADs) [PDF]
Southwest Indianapolis Air Toxics Study Program
- 95% Upper Confidence Limits [ZIP]
- Ambient Air Background [ZIP]
- Effects of Non-detects [ZIP]
- Odor and Air Toxics [ZIP]
Office of Land Quality
Confined Feeding Operations
- Agency Investigation of Manure Releases [PDF]
- CFO/CAFO Compliance Assistance [PDF]
- Disposal of Animal Carcasses in Landfills [PDF]
- Proper Disposal of Dairy Waste and Cleanup Requirements [PDF]
- Solid Manure Staging [PDF]
- Biomass Facilities [PDF]
- NS Environmental Trust Hazardous Waste Post-Closure Permit Renewal [PDF]
- Septage Permitting Program [PDF]
Regulated Wastes Permits and Compliance
- Coal Combustion Residuals (Coal Ash) [PDF]
- Construction/Demolition Waste [PDF]
- Decommissioning and Removing Landfill Gas Extraction Wells [PDF]
- Disposal of Animal Carcasses in Landfills [PDF]
- Foundry Sand and Other Solid Waste as Structural Fill [PDF]
- Land Application of Septage for Homeowners [PDF]
- New Rule Definition of Solid Waste 2022 [PDF]
- Neutral Selection of Regulated Entities for Routine Compliance Inspections [PDF]
- Painted Concrete [PDF]
- Prevent Illegal Open Dumping [PDF]
- Solid Waste Landfills [ZIP]
- Solid Waste Transfer Stations [ZIP]
- Street Sweeping Debris Disposal and Management [ZIP]
- Use of Alternative Daily Cover at Landfills [PDF]
Remediation and Response
- Arsenic in Soils [PDF]
- Benzene [PDF]
- Emergency Asbestos Debris [PDF]
- Emergency Burning for Disasters [PDF]
- Emergency Debris Management [PDF]
- Former Manual Transmissions of Muncie Facility [PDF]
- General Electric, Tell City, Indiana [PDF]
- Independent Closure Process [ZIP]
- Institutional Controls [ZIP]
- Lead in Soils [PDF]
- Methyl Tertiary-Butyl Ether (MTBE) [PDF]
- PFAS Treatment for Private Wells [PDF]
- Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) [PDF]
- Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) [PDF]
- Risk Assessment [PDF]
- Sandbag Disposal [ZIP]
- Tetrachloroethene (PCE) [PDF]
- Trichloroethylene (TCE) [PDF]
- Vapor Intrusion [PDF]
- Vapor Intrusion Sampling [PDF]
- Vapor Mitigation [PDF]
- Vapor Mitigation Operation & Maintenance in the Keystone Corridor, Indianapolis [PDF]
IDEM has guidance to help you find an environmental consultant.
Site Investigation
- Indianapolis/Central Indiana
- Ranney Well Field Ground Water Plume, Anderson (March 11, 2015) [ZIP]
- 0153 Ground Water Contamination Site, Indianapolis [PDF]
- East 52nd Street Soil Contamination Site, Indianapolis [PDF]
- ESI Environmental, Inc. Investigation, Indianapolis [PDF]
- West Minnesota Street Groundwater Contamination Investigation, Indianapolis [PDF]
- Wildcat Creek South Bank PCB Contamination and Investigation, Kokomo [PDF]
- Martinsville City Dump Site, Martinsville [PDF]
- Highland and Sycamore Streets Soil Contamination Site, Morgantown [PDF]
- Clayborn Open Dump Site, New Castle [PDF]
- Northern Indiana
- Northwest Indiana
- Western Indiana
Underground Storage Tanks
- Coincident Use of Overfill Prevention Devices in Underground Storage Tanks [PDF]
- Flooding and Underground Storage Tanks [ZIP]
- Underground Storage Tank Certification [PDF]
Office of Legal Counsel
Enforcement and Compliance Information
Office of Program Support
Community Environmental Health
Assistance and Outreach Branch
Compliance and Technical Assistance Program
- Carpet Cleaning, Environmental Aspects [PDF]
- Confidential Environmental Assistance For Indiana Businesses [PDF]
- Dry-cleaning [PDF]
- Good Management Practices for Woodworking Manufacturing Facilities [PDF]
- Livestock Truck and Trailer Washouts [PDF]
- Mercury Switches Removed from End of Life Vehicles [PDF]
- Power Washing [PDF]
- Self-Disclosure and Environmental Audit Policy [PDF]
- Toxics Release Inventory [PDF]
Recycling and Voluntary Pollution Prevention
- Backyard Composting [PDF]
- Disposal of Unused Medications in Schools [PDF]
- Household Hazardous Waste [PDF]
- Indiana Clean Marina Program [PDF]
- Lighting Alternatives [PDF]
- Recycling [PDF]
- Recycling Activity Reporting Requirements [PDF]
- Unwanted Medicine [PDF]
- Vermicomposting [PDF]
- Winter Energy Conservation [PDF]
Electronic Waste Program (Indiana E-Cycle)
Pollution Complaint Investigations/Responses to Citizen Inquiries
- 360 Degree Metal Recycling, Inc. [ZIP]
- Duneland 28 (Revised) [ZIP]
- Waste No Energy, LLC, Monticello (White County) [ZIP]
Office of Water Quality
Drinking Water and Groundwater
- Arsenic [PDF]
- Follow-up Steps for Schools with Lead and/or Copper Sampling Results above the Action Level [ZIP]
- Lead in Drinking Water - Information for Consumers [ZIP]
- Well Disinfection [PDF]
Drinking Water Operators
- Backflow Prevention for Livestock Watering [PDF]
- Certification Rule [PDF]
- Continuing Education Requirements [PDF]
- Facility Specific Operator [PDF]
- On-site Visits [PDF]
Public Water Systems
- Are You a Public Water System? [PDF]
- Chemical Contaminant Monitoring IOCs, SOCs, & VOCs [ZIP]
- Consumer Confidence Reports [ZIP]
- Discolored Drinking Water Event [PDF]
- Disinfection Byproducts in Drinking Water [ZIP]
- Drinking Water Sampling Following Lead Service Line Replacement [ZIP]
- Lead and Copper Rule [ZIP]
- Nitrate in Public Drinking Water [ZIP]
- Total Coliform and Nitrate Monitoring Requirements for Transient Noncommunity Water Systems [ZIP]
- Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) [PDF]
- Culverts & Stream Crossings [ZIP]
- Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) [ZIP]
- Permits Required for Oil & Gas Operations in Wetlands Areas [PDF]
- Stormwater and Construction [PDF]
- Stormwater and Manufacturing [PDF]
Wastewater Compliance
Watersheds and Nonpoint Source Water Pollution
- Algae in Aquatic Ecosystems [PDF]
- Biological Community Assessment: Macroinvertebrates and Fish [PDF]
- Blue-Green Algae [PDF]
- E. coli [PDF]
- Foam on Water [PDF]
- Nonpoint Source Pollution [PDF]
- Section 303(d) List of Impaired Waters [PDF]
- White River Mainstem [PDF]
- Working with Watershed Management Plans and the State Revolving Fund Loan Program [PDF]
- The Function and Value of Wetlands [PDF]
- Grading or Clearing? You May Have Wetlands [PDF]
- Investigations of Potential Wetland Violations [PDF]
- Local Planning Considerations for Wetlands [PDF]
- Native Plants and Water Quality [ZIP]
- An Overview of Wetlands and Streams [ZIP]
- Prior Converted Wetlands [ZIP]
- Stream and Wetland Permitting Basics [PDF]
- Understanding the National Wetland Inventory (NWI) [PDF]
- The Value of Artificial Wetlands for Stormwater Management [ZIP]
- Wetlands [PDF]
Hoja Informativa en Español
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