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Waste Tire Recycling and Proper Disposal

Waste tires are a marketable resource. They can be recycled by grinding them into crumb rubber that is manufactured into rubberized asphalt, running tracks, floor mats, and other products. They can be shred into rubber mulch that is used as playground surfaces or other safety surfacing. Tire retreading companies can remove old treads from tires that pass vigorous inspection and apply new treads without any sacrifice to safety or handling.

Where to Recycle or Properly Dispose of Waste Tires

  • Businesses that sell new tires at retail must accept waste tires from consumers who purchase new tires from them on a one-for-one basis.
  • Some solid waste management districts and local government agencies hold tire amnesty days. Check websites or contact them for details. provides links to local government agency websites (select a county from the dropdown menu).
  • Tire retreading companies can be found via a web search and on the Retread Tire Association website.
  • IDEM’s Where to Recycle page links to the Indiana Recycling Directory, which lists some waste tire recycling locations.

For More Information

The Waste Tire Management page details other approved legitimate uses of waste tires; Indiana’s whole waste tire disposal ban; and regulations for tire retailers and waste tire transporters, processors, and storage sites.

For Assistance

Free, confidential compliance and technical assistance on an array of environmental topics, including recycling, waste tire regulations, and pollution prevention, is available from IDEM’s Compliance and Technical Assistance Program (CTAP).