The Technical Advisory Group (TAG) served as a forum to evaluate technical aspects of the study for IDEM and the City of Indianapolis. Because of the diverse technical expertise available at the meetings, IDEM received very specific technical input on a variety of issues. IDEM did not require a consensus from the group on specific methodology or a technical idea, rather IDEM used the input and the technical expertise of the group to help in its decision-making process.
Gathering external technical expertise provided a useful review of the assumptions and calculations used to support the study; a source of new ideas and different perspectives; and independent verification of the study's conclusions to alleviate any concerns from the public or from industry about government bias or competence.
All TAG meetings were open to the public. Laura Steadham of IDEM’s Office of Land Quality, acted as meeting facilitator. A predetermined agenda was followed at each meeting. During the meetings, members of the TAG discussed technical issues associated with the project and made recommendations to IDEM about the issues discussed. At the end of each meeting, members of the public were invited to comment on topics discussed by the advisory group.
The TAG met at the beginning of the study to thoroughly review the scope of the project and make suggestions. Meetings were scheduled as needed throughout the course of the study, every few months on average.
Technical Advisory Group Participants:
- Dr. Jim Klaunig - Professor of Toxicology - Indiana University School of Medicine/IUPUI
- Rad Scott - Chemical Engineer - Eli Lilly
- Dr. Bill Beranek - Indiana Environmental Institute - chemist and community facilitator
- Dr. Phil Stevens - Professor of Chemistry, Indiana University General Public Representative-Air Pollution Control Board
- Dick Van Frank - Improving Kids' Environment
- Rod Thompson, -Indiana Department of Environmental Management - Land
- Dr. George Bollweg - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Region 5
- Motria Caudill - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Region 5
- LaNetta Alexander - Environmental Epidemiologist - Indiana State Department of Health
- Pam Thevenow - Marion County Health Department - Administrator of the Department of Water Quality and Hazardous Materials Management
- Dr. Syed Ghiassudin - Indiana Department of Environmental Management - Water