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Application Process

You must submit a complete application for your source’s permit to be processed. Applicant assistance is available.


Generally, a permit application for a new source or modification to an existing source  will include applicable basic forms such as general source data (GSD), process information (PI), control equipment (CE) and compliance determination (CD) forms, applicable special forms, and information concerning applicable state and federal rules (including why certain rules may not apply). For example, all packets should include an application form checklist, cover sheet, and GSD-01; certain sources may require all GSD forms; modifications may only require certain GSD forms; and only PI and CE forms relating to a source’s processes may be needed.

You can find more detailed descriptions of the basic and special forms and download the forms you need from the IDEM Agency Forms page.

If you are applying for a permit renewal, there may be an option to streamline your application.

Confidentiality Claims

All information submitted to IDEM will be made available to the public unless it is submitted under a claim of confidentiality. To prevent the public disclosure of confidential business information or trade secrets, be certain that you mark the information and include a confidentiality claim with your submittal.


Within 10 days of submitting the application, you may be required to place a copy of the application packet at a public library in the county where the source is located (preferably at the local public library nearest to the source in the county where the source is located) (see 326 IAC 2-1.1-6). For certain construction approvals, state law may require notification to local government officials (see IC 13-15-3-1), as well as adjacent landowners and occupants (see IC 13-15-8).


Submittals should include one (1) signed hard copy of the original application packet that is mailed, or hand delivered to IDEM’s Office of Air Quality (OAQ).  If you wish to request a pre-application meeting, please contact the OAQ Permits Branch prior to submitting an application.

Preliminary Application Submitted by Email

In addition to submitting a signed hard copy of the original application you may also submit a preliminary electronic copy (in Adobe Acrobat PDF format) of the complete signed application by email to OAQ. Please review complete requirements and instructions on IDEM’s Preliminary Application Submitted by Email page.

Timeframes and Fees

OAQ strives to issue air permit decisions within established timeframes. If an application is submitted without required information, you will receive a Notice of Deficiency from OAQ requesting the additional necessary information. The permitting time clock stops while OAQ waits for requested information. Applicants are provided up to 60 days to provide an adequate response. IDEM may deny an application if requested information is not provided within the time allotted.

Do not include payment with the submittal (except for an interim permit approval). You will receive an invoice for all applicable air permit fees when OAQ issues a draft air permit.

Once a permit application has been received by IDEM OAQ’s Air Permits Branch and assigned to a permit writer, the permit writer will typically contact the applicant with a few days to introduce themself and provide his/her contact information.