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Sell or Claim Agency Property

Indiana State Surplus is responsible for approving the disposition of State-owned property that is no longer needed. Disposition activities include making the property available to other State agencies, selling the property, and arranging for the disposal of the property.

Disposing of surplus agency property

There are a number of disposition options available to state agencies that no longer have need for agency property:

1. Sell or transfer to other State agencies
2. Transfer to the State Surplus warehouse
3. Scrap/Recycle
4. Sell to the public (either by sealed bid or auction)
5. Trade-in
6. Disposal of Computer Hardware
7. Redistribution from the State Surplus warehouse

To declare an item surplus and complete one of the options listed above, an agency must complete State Form 13812, “Notification of Surplus State-owned Property,” and follow the disposition procedures specified in the Surplus Disposition Manual.

Claiming surplus agency property

An agency's disposition agent is authorized to claim items available at the State Surplus Warehouse, located at 601 W. McCarty St. An agency disposition agent may also authorize other agency employees to claim items.

Disposition agents and authorized employees are encouraged to visit State Surplus prior to making new purchases of often-used items, such as office furniture or equipment, as such items are readily available from State Surplus for re-use.  The warehouse is open Monday through Friday, between 8:00 a.m. and 4 p.m.  Property viewing/screening ends at 3:45pm.

Surplus items are available to State agencies on a first-come, first-served basis.
