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Real Estate Sales

The Indiana Department of Administration is responsible for the disposition of surplus land owned by the State of Indiana. Based on IC 4-20.5-7, the Department’s disposition policy has two processes for surplus land disposition: Sealed bid and live auction. The Department makes a process determination on a property-by-property basis. Preference to purchase land at market prices, as established through the sealed bid or auction process, is given to state agencies, universities, and political subdivisions. Properties where no state agency, university, or political subdivision informs the department of its interest is awarded to the bidder with the highest bid or auction amount that matches or exceeds appraised value.

For questions or more information about the state's surplus real estate process, please contact IDOA Real Estate Director Steve Harless.

Surplus Real Estate Contact:
Steve Harless
Director of Real Estate
Phone: (317) 234-4724