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Plan a Visit

Directions and Hours

Two types of scheduled tours are offered; Statehouse Tour and School Tour. All tours are free of charge.

To inquire about the schedule, or to schedule a tour, please call (317) 233-5293 or email

Statehouse Tour

Duration: 30-45 minutes

This guided tour allows guests to enter available offices and chambers with a guide. It is comprehensive and discusses all three branches of government, the history and architecture of the building.

School Tour

Duration: 60 minutes

Tour groups may not exceed 100 people, no exceptions. If your group exceeds 100, please schedule an additional tour to accommodate an overflow. This in-depth tour covers the history of the building and the state, architectural information about the building and the workings of state government. The group will visit an executive office, chamber or courtroom representing each branch of government, depending on availability.

Legislators are notified when tour groups from their district are scheduled to visit, and groups can request that their local senator(s) and representative(s) be invited to speak. A legislator's attendance is dependent on their schedule.

Advanced reservations are required for School Tours and are not available on weekends.

Things to know before you arrive