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Parking and Cafeteria Information



Buses may be parked at the Indianapolis Zoo for a fee of $10.00. It is located on Washington Street one mile west of downtown. Buses must be locked if the driver leaves the vehicle.


Cars may be parked at metered spaces and/or in area garages. Metered time is monitored and cars will be ticketed and towed when in violation.


ADA spaces are marked along Senate Avenue and Ohio Street.

Public Entrance

Public access to the building is the west, lower doors or the east doors (not open on the weekend) at the top of the steps. Be prepared to go through metal detectors and to have bags, backpacks and purses x-rayed.

The lower west entrance doors provide the only ADA access to the building. Turn right or left inside the vestibule doors and you will find elevators around the corners. We meet visitors on the second floor in the Rotunda.


Indiana Government Center campus has two cafeterias – the North Cafeteria (Indiana Government Center North) and the South Cafeteria (Indiana Government Center South). The cafeterias are in the Lower Level (LL) of each building.

The South Cafeteria will reserve space for a group if box lunches are ordered in advance. The catering number is (317) 233-4354. Children are welcome to bring their own sack lunches into the cafeteria. Military Park is close and is suitable for a picnic in nice weather and the Canal Walk is right outside the Government Center North building. Picnics on the Statehouse lawn are prohibited.