About the Indiana Political Subdivision Risk Management Fund and the Indiana Political Subdivision Catastrophic Liability Fund
The Indiana Political Subdivision Risk Management Commission (“IPSRMC”) runs the Indiana Political Subdivision Risk Management Fund and the Indiana Political Subdivision Catastrophic Liability Fund (collectively, “IPSRMF”), which provides insurance of last resort to Indiana cities, counties, and other political subdivisions. Political subdivisions wishing to purchase insurance from the IPSRMC may do so through a licensed producer or directly from the IPSRMC.
About the IPSRMF Tort Claim Process
Under IC 34-13-3-8, the IPSRMF must be served with a tort claim filed against political subdivision. Under section (b) of that statute, a claim against a political subdivision is not barred for failure to file notice with the IPSRMF if the political subdivision was not a member of the IPSRMF at the time the act or omission took place.
The IPSRMF has had NO members since January 1, 2018. If the incident(s) related to your claim occurred on or after January 1, 2018, the entity is not covered by the IPSRMF, and under Ind. Code 34-13-3-8(b), your claim is not barred if a notice is not filed with the IPSRMF.
For incident(s) that occurred before January 1, 2018, please send claims against IPSRMF members filed in accordance with IC 34-13-3-8 to:
Indiana Political Subdivision Risk Management Commission
311 W Washington St, Suite 103
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Indiana Code 27-1-29 Indiana Political Subdivision Risk Management Commission
Indiana Code 27-1-29.1 Political Subdivision Catastrophic Liability Fund
IC 34-13-8 Claims against political subdivisions; notice requirement
762 Indiana Administrative Code 2-1-1 Membership in Political Subdivision Risk Management Fund and Catastrophic Liability Fund
For further information, please contact:
Edward Fujawa
Deputy General Counsel
Indiana Department of Insurance
311 W. Washington St. Suite 103
Indianapolis, IN 46204
(317) 234-6064