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Bail Agent and Recovery Agent Licensing

Bail/Recovery Agent Licensing Contact - Psalms Kelley, 317-232-5265,

First-Time Bail Agent or Recovery Agent Applicants

The initial application process for first-time Bail Agent or Recovery Agent applicants consists of the following three steps:

  1. Complete twelve (12) hours of Bail/Recovery pre-licensing education. You may search for approved Bail/Recovery pre-licensing education classes online at through the following steps:
    1. Select “Look up education courses/credits” on the left-hand side of the page
    2. Select “Approved Courses Inquiry”
    3. Select “Indiana” from the dropdown, click Submit
    4. Under Education Type, select “Pre-Licensing Education”
    5. Under Course Category, select “Bail/Recovery” box, click Submit
  2. Pass IDOI Bail/Recovery Agent Examination. You may schedule an examination by following the steps posted online at There is a $50 examination fee to be paid online by credit/debit card when scheduling an exam. View Bail/Recovery Agent Examination Content Outline.
  3. Submit individual resident application online through either or under “Apply for a License.” Or you may mail to IDOI the Uniform NAIC Paper Application along with a check or money order made payable to Indiana Department of Insurance or IDOI. The application fee is $650 for Bail Agents and $300 for Recovery Agents. *All license application fees are nonrefundable and nontransferable. If you choose to complete the application online, a processing fee will be charged by either Sircon or NIPR. The application must also include each of the following:
    1. A recent digital full-face photograph (e.g., passport photo) and your signature to be included on your license. The specimen sheet must be used to submit the photograph and signature. Please attach electronically to the application, email, or mail to IDOI.
    2. Certified fingerprint card from local law enforcement (must be mailed only), or a receipt from L-1 Identify Solutions showing that you have been fingerprinted.
    3. FORM 3A - Appointment with authorized Surety Company (for Bail Agents) or sponsorship with licensed Bail Agent or authorized Surety Company (for Recovery Agents *optional on initial application for Recovery Agents). *Note: FORM 3A must also be completed each time there is a change in an appointment or sponsorship.*

Supporting documents may be attached electronically to the online application. Or, they may be submitted to IDOI by either: Email: 317-234-5882; or Mail: Indiana Department of Insurance, c/o Bail Bond Licensing Coordinator, 311 West Washington Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204-2787.

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Bail Agent or Recovery Agent Renewal Applicants

The renewal application process for licensed Bail Agents or Recovery Agents consists of the following two steps that must be completed by the license expiration date:

  1. Complete six (6) hours of Bail/Recovery continuing education (CE). You may search for approved Bail/Recovery CE classes online at through the following steps:
    1. Select “Look up education courses/credits” on the left-hand side of the page
    2. Select “Approved Courses Inquiry”
    3. Select “Indiana” from the dropdown, click Submit
    4. Under Education Type, select “Continuing Education”
    5. Under Course Category, select “Bail/Recovery” box, click Submit
  2. Submit individual resident renewal application online through either under “Renew your license” or under “Renew.” Or you may mail the Uniform NAIC Paper Renewal Application along with a check or money order made payable to Indiana Department of Insurance or IDOI. The renewal application fee is $300 for Bail Agents and $300 for Recovery Agents. *All license application fees are nonrefundable and nontransferable. If you choose to complete the application online, a processing fee will be charged by either Sircon or NIPR. The application must also include each of the following:
    1. FORM 3A - Appointment with authorized Surety Company (for Bail Agents) or sponsorship with licensed Bail Agent or authorized Surety Company (for Recovery Agents). *Note: FORM 3A must also be completed each time there is a change in an appointment or sponsorship.*
    2. Optional: An updated digital full-face photograph (e.g., passport photo) and your signature on the specimen sheet, if you would like these updated on your license.

IMPORTANT NOTE: IDOI will email a courtesy renewal reminder to the agent's business email on file approximately sixty (60) days prior to the license expiration date. If the agent does not receive the reminder email, it is still the agent's responsibility to complete the renewal application within those 60 days. Renewal applications that are submitted after a license expiration date will be charged an additional $100 late/reinstatement fee. Agents that fail to reinstate the license for ninety (90) days past the expiration date, must complete each of the initial license application steps in order to be issued a new license. 

Supporting documents may be attached electronically to the online application. They may also be submitted to IDOI by either: Email:; Fax: 317-234-5882; or Mail: Indiana Department of Insurance, c/o Bail Bond Licensing Coordinator, 311 West Washington Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204-2787.

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Providers of Bail/Recovery Continuing Education (CE) or Pre-Licensing Education (PE) 

Any individual, insurance company, insurance or bail trade organization, accredited college, or insurance education association, may submit Bail/Recovery pre-licensing education (PE) or continuing education (CE) classes and instructors for approval. To apply or renew, class providers or instructors must submit the Bail/Recovery Class Application for Approval or the Class Instructor Application for Approval (for each instructor), along with all required supporting materials.

Applications must be submitted at least thirty (30) days prior to the class offering. Each class application must include a timed class outline showing how much time is being allotted to each topic. The fee for each Class Application for Approval is forty dollars ($40), and the fee for each Instructor Application for Approval is twenty dollars ($20). Fees must be submitted by check or money order made payable to Indiana Department of Insurance or IDOI.

Class approvals are valid for one (1) year, and Instructor approvals are valid for two (2) years. Upon approval of a Bail/Recovery PE or CE class, the class provider must subscribe to the Vertafore/Sircon online education provider service in order to track classes, enter students' course completions, and print course certificates of completion for students. Course certificates of completion no longer need to be mailed to IDOI. Class providers must enter course completions through Vertafore/Sircon, which are then automatically transmitted to IDOI.

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Additional Bail Agent and Recovery Agent Online Forms and Reporting Requirements

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Bail Agent and Recovery Agent Laws and Regulations

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Indiana Authorized Surety Companies

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Lookup a Licensed Bail Agent or Recovery Agent

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Court Forms

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General Interest

The Bail Bond Division highlights court cases and bulletins relevant to Bail Bond and Recovery Agents. Please click on the links below to read Indiana court cases, administrative orders, and bulletins which affect Indiana bail laws:

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Indiana Department of Insurance
311 West Washington Street
Indianapolis, Indiana  46204-2787