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Individual License Renewal Guidelines/Requirements

Business Entity License Renewal Guidelines/Requirements

License Renewal Notice/Application

IDOI emails producer renewal invoices to the producer's email address on file approximately 90 days before the license is due to expire. If for some reason you do not receive a renewal invoice, it is still your responsibility to renew your license. The continuing education hours required for renewal and the hours reported to the Department at the time the invoice was issued are posted in the notices.

You may go online to renew at either or Although not preferred, you may renew the license by submitting the uniform NAIC paper renewal application along with a check or money order made payable to Indiana Department of Insurance. The application and fee may be mailed to:

Indiana Department of Insurance
Agent Licensing
311 West Washington Street
Indianapolis, Indiana  46204-2787


You will need to print your renewal license at for an electronic processing fee of $5.15.

Review Your CE Transcript

To review your CE transcript click here to access the Sircon website

License Duration/Renewal Date

An insurance producer license issued or renewed after July 1, 2011, is for a two-year period. As of May 1, 2012, the renewal/expiration date is the last day of the producer's birth month. Effective January 1, 2012, a license issued or renewed for lines of authority previously due 20 hours of continuing education (CE) are now due 24 hours.

Public Adjusters licenses are subject to annual renewal with expiration dates of December 31st of each year.

Renewal Fees

  • Resident Producer Renewal Fee $40.00
  • Resident Reinstatement Fee $120.00 plus Renewal Fee $40.00
  • Resident Consultant Renewal Fee $40.00
  • Public Adjuster Fee $50.00
  • Retaliatory Fees are located at the following link.

Limited Lines Licenses

Producers obtaining or renewing a two-year Limited Lines license (Credit, Travel, Funeral Director, Crop Hail Insurance) are not required to complete continuing education (CE) prior to submitting initial or renewal applications, with an exception of Title producers (see next section).

Exception: Title Producers

Title producers with a two year license must complete 7 hours in continuing education (CE) courses related to the business of Title insurance with at least four hours of instruction in a structured setting or comparable self-study concerning:

  • Ethical practices in the marketing and selling of title insurance
  • Title insurance underwriting
  • Escrow issue
  • Principles of the federal Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act

An attorney holding a Title License may complete all or any of the required hours in continuing legal education (CLE) courses related to the business of title insurance or any aspect of real property law. This will need to be submitted to the state upon renewal. Email a copy of the CLE completion to after you submit the renewal in order for the CLE to be applied.