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Priorities & Objectives

Public Comment Opportunity Now Open

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IDR is developing its 2025-2027 Priorities & Objectives (P&Os). You can view IDR’s draft P&Os below. Because systemic advocacy needs time and sustained resources, IDR’s work on these P&Os is expected to last for a three-year period.

IDR’s P&Os guide the agency’s work. These draft P&Os were developed using input from Hoosiers with disabilities. In addition to people with disabilities, now other stakeholders, such as family, friends, advocacy organizations, and providers, have the opportunity to offer feedback. After reviewing public comments, the Indiana Protection and Advocacy Services (IPAS) Commission, with support from the Mental Health Advisory Council (MHAC), will finalize IDR’s P&Os.

The IPAS Commission welcomes public comment about IDR’s draft P&Os through Friday, August 9, 2024. On August 23, 2024, it will vote to adopt or amend IDR’s P&Os.

Choose one of these options to comment before the August 9 deadline:

  1. Complete the online P&Os Public Comments Form.
  2. Email written comments to
  3. Send written comments to the attention of the Executive Director at 4755 Kingsway Dr., Ste. 100, Indianapolis, IN 46205.
  4. Communicate directly with an IDR staff member. To schedule an appointment, contact Carmen Ledezma at 317-501-9022 or

If you need an accommodation or translation to participate, please contact or call 800-622-4845.

The IPAS Commission’s August 23, 2024, meeting agenda also reserves time for stakeholders to offer final comments about the proposed P&Os. However, IDR strongly recommends submitting comments before August 9 so they can be fully considered by all IPAS Commissioners before the P&O vote.

We look forward to receiving your comments!

FFY 2025-2027 DRAFT Priorities & Objectives

Para leer esta información en español, haga clic aquí.

GOAL 1: Prevent, find, and stop the abuse and neglect of persons with disabilities by service providers.


  1. Investigate and monitor other settings where people with disabilities are being served, including facilities, for rights violations, including instances of abuse, neglect, or exploitation.

GOAL 2: Ensure individuals with disabilities can access the services and supports they need to participate in an equitable and inclusive society.


  1. Advocate with individuals with disabilities in the areas of self-determination, health care, abuse and neglect, discharge from institutions, civil rights, education, employment, justice, and voting.
  2. Advocate for implementation of Indiana’s Employment First policy, including expanded services to support participation in competitive integrated employment.
  3. Advocate for access to Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS).
  4. Advocate for the expansion of knowledge and use of supported decision-making/less restrictive alternatives to guardianship.
  5. Investigate educational services for children with disabilities who reside in facilities.
  6. Advocate to ensure elections are accessible to voters with disabilities.

GOAL 3: Support and partner with individuals with disabilities and disability-led organizations, especially those raising the voices of people from marginalized communities, in regard to disability rights issues.


  1. Provide easily accessible and equitable paths for the public to contact IDR for advocacy needs and find information, referrals, and resources.
  2. Support the meaningful inclusion of people with disabilities, including those who are multiply marginalized, in policy work about issues aligned with IDR’s Mission, Vision, and Values.