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Pavement Asset Management

INDOT owns or is responsible for maintaining a roadway network totaling nearly 11,000 centerline miles and over 28,000 total lane miles throughout the state, including interstate highways, non-interstate National Highway System (NHS), roads and non-NHS roads.

Using historical analysis on pavement replacement costs, INDOT estimates $1 million is required to rebuild one lane-mile of highway. Assuming this cost, INDOT would have a total need of over $28 billion to rebuild its entire highway system. Therefore, INDOT’s pavement strategies help ensure the right treatments are performed at the right time in the most cost-effective manner.

INDOT’s Office of Pavement Design is responsible for the pavement design analyses that guide INDOT’s strategies for new, reconstruction, rehabilitation, and preservation projects for INDOT’s roadways.

Learn more about assessing pavement conditions here.

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