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I-465 Reconfiguration Project

The I-465 Reconfiguration project is located on the south side of Indianapolis in Marion County and consists of two sections: Section A/B and Section C.

Section A/B begins approximately 0.3 miles west of the I-465/US 31 interchange and ends at the I-465/I-65 interchange.

The proposed work for Section A/B includes building auxiliary lanes with retaining walls on eastbound and westbound I-465, reconfiguring eastbound I-465 to the northbound US 31 exit ramp, extending the southbound US 31 to eastbound I-465 merge area, and extending the entrance lane from southbound US 31 to eastbound I-465.

The proposed work for Section A/B also includes the replacement of the Madison Avenue, Keystone Avenue, and Carson Avenue bridges.

Section C begins at the south end of the I-465/I-70 interchange and ends just west of the interchange with Mann Road. The proposed work for Section C includes added travel lanes along I-465, full depth pavement replacement at the shoulders and replacement of the Mooresville Road Bypass bridge. 
Construction is scheduled to begin in 2021.

I-465 Reconfiguration Project Final Environmental Documents

The I-465 Reconfiguration project is an added capacity project with separate utility and its own environmental process; those documents are listed below. In order to leverage benefits of scale and schedule, the I-465 Reconfiguration project will be bundled with the I-69 Section 6 Contract 5 Design-Build-Best Value project for procurement and construction.

Project Documents:

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