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As you "Travel I-69," you cross vast expanses of Hoosier farmland, punctuated by cylindrical silos, red and white barns, and farmhouses set amidst fields of crops and pastures. "Agriculture" is one of a series of vignettes that recounts the story of the land between I-64 and Bloomington, Indiana. Choose one or all of the vignettes to learn about the cultural and natural landscape as you Travel I-69.

A map provides locational information and the following narrative discloses the names of towns and interchanges where these historic activities have occurred. Observe the following landmarks: the McCall Family Farmstead at Mile Marker 71 and the Pleasant Hill Farm where I-69 and State Road 37 join.

A Hoosier homemaker in southwestern Indiana provides insight into rural life nearly a century ago:

He had to work hard. Yes, but I had to work hard, too. I always had all the milking and I made a big garden and I had all them kids to take care of. And we farmed in the summer and I had to get up early and plow with the team before it got too hot. Oh, how I hated to get up.

—Grace Hawkins, 93, Martin County1

Historic Agricultural Sites In Southwestern Indiana
